[name]Dice[/name]: http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/six.htm
Look below before you write anything in the blanks
It is 1934. Your name is (Your name) and you come from a small, quiet town near (Birthplace). Your parents are Mr. and Mrs. (FNs and LNs) and you have (roll the dice) siblings, (their names). Out of all your siblings you have always been the most dramatic and the most striking with your large (color) eyes and shiny (color) curls. You love putting on plays for your family with your siblings and one day your favorite aunt (her name) tells you that you have the face for show biz and that inspires you. You decide then that you want to be a professional actress like your favorite starlet, (actress).
Your name: You choose fn and mn, Surname comes from: 411 Last Names as First Names | Nameberry
Birthplace? (roll)
- [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts
- Wichita, Kansas
- Limerick, [name]Ireland[/name]
- [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]North[/name] [name]Carolina[/name]
- San [name]Francisco[/name], [name]California[/name]
- [name]London[/name], [name]England[/name]
Parents: first names and middle names come from 57 Victorian Royal Baby Names | Nameberry
Siblings: [name]Roll[/name] the dice for number of siblings then roll for genders (even= boy, odd=girl). Ages are your choice. You can even roll for hair and eye color if you like.
Boys: FNs are formal names for these: Nicknames for Boys | Nameberry . MNs are your choice
Girls: FNs come from Old Lady Names | Nameberry . MNs are your choice
Eye Color?
- [name]Blue[/name]
- [name]Brown[/name]
- [name]Green[/name]
- [name]Violet[/name]
- [name]Hazel[/name]
- You have heterochromia. [name]Roll[/name] a color for each eye. If you roll double just roll again. If you roll six again that eye is brown
Hair Color?
- Blonde
- [name]Brown[/name]
- [name]Red[/name]
- [name]Black[/name]
- [name]Auburn[/name]
- Your choice
Aunt: Name comes from 172 Heroine Baby Names | Nameberry
[name]Favorite[/name] Actress?
If you have blonde hair… [name]Jean[/name] [name]Harlow[/name]
If you have brown hair… [name]Bette[/name] [name]Davis[/name]
If you have red hair… [name]Katharine[/name] Hepburn
If you have black hair…[name]Vivien[/name] [name]Leigh[/name]
Other… [name]Greta[/name] [name]Garbo[/name]
You turn sixteen in on (Date), 1935. Your Aunt (her name) asks you what your birthday wish is and you tell her all about your dream to become a movie star and how afraid you are it will never come true. She tells you to keep wishing and a week later surprises you with two tickets to Hollywood!
Your birthday?
- [name]September[/name] 18th
- February 8th
- [name]December[/name] 24th
- [name]August[/name] 29th
- [name]October[/name] 17th
- Your own birthday
As it turns out, your aunt has a childhood friend who works as a secretary for MGM. Your aunt sent her a picture of you and her friend showed it to a casting director who was very impressed. She managed to snag you an audition for the following week.
What movie is it for?
- A cute little movie starring [name]Shirley[/name] [name]Temple[/name]
- A musical…hope you can sing!
- A historical piece set in the Victorian Age
- A romance movie
- A murder mystery film
- A comedy starring [name]Clark[/name] [name]Gable[/name]
The casting director adores you and you nail the audition. You sign a two-year contract with MGM that afternoon and you spend six months staying at your aunt’s friends house in Los [name]Angeles[/name] filming your first movie. It premieres another six months later and is a huge success. And the best part is [name]America[/name] is now in love with Miss (your name) from (birthplace!)
Part Two coming soon. List your childhood family here if you like with ages, descriptions, etc.