It’s been (3) years since your divorce from your first husband. Since then you’ve won (6) Academy Awards and got your hand and footprints outside the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, a sure sign on achievement. Your children have grown up a lot too, especially your eldest daughter, (Violet), who you haven’t been allowed to see since she was a baby, but your favorite sibling (Ada) sends you pictures and she is beautiful, which makes you miss her even more.
You’ve started dating this rookie actor, (Brady), who is (6) years younger than you and very congenial and quite naive to Hollywood life, which you find refreshing. He’s also drop dead gorgeous with his (dirty blonde) and (blue). Your children adore him and you love him for that. So when he proposes (5) months after you started dating, you say yes.
Actor’s name
First and Middle: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry
Last Name: Irish Surnames and Meanings | Nameberry
Colin Malcolm Brady
Hair color (roll)
5 or 6: You choose
Dirty blonde
Eye color (roll)
3 or 4: [name]Blue[/name]
You really don’t want anymore kids, all you really want is your daughter back. But (Colin) loves children and wants some of his own. He’s so darn cute you concede and nine months later you have…
What do you have? …(roll)
5. A girl
First Names: 109 Classic Baby Names with a Twist | Nameberry
Middle Names: 725 Nature Names for Babies | Nameberry
Willa Clover Brady
Eye Color …(roll)
3. [name]Brown[/name]
Hair color…(roll)
3. Your hair color
Willa Clover Brady
Is your marriage successful? (roll)
If no, then the stress of being a parent is too much for (Colin). He begins an affair with (Rosalind Russell) and you file for divorce. Your next husband is the director of your next movie, (Murray Mason).
Actress: (pick one) Movie actresses of the 1940's - IMDb
Director’s Name: FN&MN Old Man Names | Nameberry
LN: 202 Occupational Baby Names | Nameberry
Murray Julius Mason
Does this marriage work out? (roll)
If no, then you soon realize that (Murray) has more quirks than [name]Howard[/name] [name]Hughes[/name]. You leave him no more than (5) months into the marriage and hook up with an international artist, (Paulo Johanssen), and while on vacation in (Greece) you decide to elope.
Artist’s Name/Nationality:
5 or 6: Scandinavian- FN and MN come from: 106 Swedish Names | Nameberry
Paulo Mans Johanssen
Does your marriage work out this time?
6: no
If no, then you spend the rest of your life in on again off again relationships. You adopt two more kids from (France). [name]Roll[/name] for each child (1,2,3-girl,4,5,6-boy). Whether they are related or not is your choice, as is appearance.
Country (roll)
- [name]France[/name]
First Names: 100 Patriotic Baby Names | Nameberry
Middle Names: Rare Place Names | Nameberry
Phoenix Odessa Tierney-- 10 month old twins
Betsy Vienna Tierney
The story ends on a bitter-sweet note. [name]One[/name] day you get a call from (Ada). She has grave news. You parent’s died by (galloping consumption).
What happened to your parent’s?
If you came from Limerick…They both caught the galloping consumption and died
All this means that you beloved eldest daughter, (Violet), no longer has a home. None of your siblings are able to take care of her so they send her to her “sister” (Brooks) in [name]California[/name]. You and her become fast friends and once you have bonded you tell her the truth about who her parents are and she confesses that she kinda knew all along thanks to (Ada).
In 1958 you get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Your officially a film legend. You live out the rest of your life with your (6) kids in [name]California[/name], living your childhood dream.
Cecil and Dolly Tierney- Lived in disgrace of their daughter and her many marriages. Died of galloping consumption
Aunt Dora Tierney- Continued being Brook’s mentor and connecting her to her family
Ada Tierney- Unable to have children, Ada raised Brook’s daughter Violet until her parents died
Freddie Tierney- Continued his life in the cobbler shop and never left the Emerald Isles
Mamie Tierney- Moved to England to become a professor at Oxford
Chance Madison- His wife divorced him soon after Brook left him and he died of an overdose
Elmer Hart- Kept up a good relationship with Brook and their children, Dixie and Evie, as well as becoming a father figure for her other children, Willa, Phoenix, and Betsy
Murray Mason- Turned down the opportunity to direct Star Wars, forcing George Lucas to direct it himself
Violet Katharine Madison-Tierney- Once she discovered her true parentage, she changed her last name to a hyphen. She tried to get in touch with her dad, but he was dead. Traveled frequently between California and Ireland, feeling more at home in Ireland. She lived there with her husband, Owen, and their two small girls, Ashley Madison and Brooke Ada, both of whom have brown hair and brown eyes.
Dixie Cecilia Hart- Going into show business was in her blood, so she became a model for brands such as Chanel and Dior. After a particular risque shoot and running away with her boyfriend, at sixteen Dixie Hart found herself disowned by her family and with a 5 month old daughter, Selene Clara, who has brown hair and brown eyes
Evie Isadora Hart- Evie attended Brown University and became a college professor, much like her favorite aunt Mamie. She is ashamed of her past and her mother, so she avoids contact, but if Brook really needs it, Evie will be there in a flash. Evie lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband, Bill, and their three daughters Debra, Karen, and Nancy. They all have brown hair and brown eyes
Willa Clover Brady- Willa never really knew her father, actor Colin Brady, so she looked up to Brook’s ex Elmer Hart. Following in his footsteps, she is a renowned producer, producing many of her sister Betsy’s movies. Willa became the first woman billionaire and lived with her husband, Roberto, in an Italian villa with their four daughters, Lillian, Hartley, Opal, and Nicola, all of whom have brown hair and brown eyes
Phoenix Odessa Tierney- She attended high school and lived most of her life under the giant shadow cast by the success of her mother and her older ‘sisters’. The stress to live up to that proved to be too much and at seventeen Phoenix fatally crashed her car after a night of too much drinking
Betsy Vienna Tierney- Betsy loved to listen to her mother’s Old Hollywood stories and she soon followed in her footsteps, first starring as voices in Disney’s animated films and eventually continuing her mother’s legacy, one day getting her own star on the walk of fame. She moved back to her native France with her husband and daughter, Sylvie Brook, who has brown hair and brown eyes
Brooks Tierney- After her many failed marriages, Brooks turned her focus away from her career to her daughters, helping them grow up. She lived out her days with her daughter Evie until she died there. In Hollywood, she is known for her luscious brown eyes and her voluminous, silky brown hair, which all of her daughters and granddaughters inherited