I love the idea of an old soul. I was wondering if I could get some ideas on names that make you think ‘old soul’ I would really appreciate it. I’m sorry if nobody knows what I’m talking about… I might sound crazy! Here are some names that give me the image of old soul: [name]Susannah[/name], [name]Verity[/name], [name]Willa[/name], [name]Elodie[/name], [name]Paloma[/name], [name]Delphine[/name], [name]Iris[/name]
For me, when I think “old soul”, I don’t necessarily think of “old” names, but rather of names that sound mature, loving, deep, insightful, etc. So a few “old sould” girl names that I love are
[name]Shiloh[/name] (which means “he who is to be sent” - sounds pretty old-soul-y to me)
[name]Ezri[/name] (which means “helpful, strong”)
[name]Senara[/name] (“light”)
[name]Elowen[/name] (“elm”)
To me, an old soul name would belong to a child who seemed wise beyond her years. It would belong to a little girl who was precocious, intuitive, and intelligent. She would be a voracious reader, and sensitive to the feelings of others.
Her name would be classic and timeless, maybe a bit old-fashioned. Historical namesakes and/or connections to saints would be a plus.
[name]Catherine[/name] (who never goes by [name]Cate[/name])
I might also add [name]Elodie[/name] and [name]Sophia[/name].
Now you’ve done it. As a proud fan of the metaphysical, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about names for old souls (what I sometimes call ‘expanded soul’ types.) To me, the best old soul names are those with a lot of Pisces energy in them. Pisces letters are G, P, and Y. Bonus points for a meaning with spiritual or at least humanitarian significance. My suggestions:
[name]Gabriel[/name], (woman of god) [name]Georgiana[/name], (earth lover) [name]Gwendolyn[/name] (white-browed–nothing special about the meaning, but it has ‘extra’ Pisces)
[name]Penelope[/name], (weaver) [name]Phoebe[/name], (bright, shining one) [name]Psyche[/name] (the soul)
[name]Yolanda[/name], (shy, modest) [name]Yves[/name], (life, living) [name]Yvonne[/name], (the archer)
I have a few others that aren’t really very Piscean, they just remind me of old, ollllld souls:
[name]Ariadne[/name], (holy one) [name]Cassandra[/name] (the prophetess) [name]Daphne[/name], (laurel) [name]Deidre[/name], (sorrow) [name]Leah[/name], (weary) [name]Samara[/name], (watchful) [name]Talitha[/name], (girl) [name]Una[/name] (all truth is one)