So, I am looking for a name for an old woman enchantress in my story. The story she first appears in (all the stories will be connected) is a version of the Twelve Dancing Princesses. She is the woman who gives [Roland]( man who comes to the palace to investigate what the princesses do at night) the invisibility cloak and warns him to be careful about what the princesses give him. Later the princesses find her and learn she is part of the secret magic organization their mother was in(that’s why they have a secret passage into the land of [Chantara](, the magical moonlight river land). She has a purple rose tattoo, which is a symbol of the magical group. [Magic]( is not common in Alestronia(the princesses’ kingdom) so the organization is secret. She is kind, serious, and generous.
* Gwenora
* Mithian
* Ceridwen
I prefer Gwenora. To me it sounds the most witchy and fairy tale-like.
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thanks guys, and I’m sorry the poll is not working. So Gwenora it is(cause 5 out of 9 people liked it on the last poll) unless any other comments?
Gwenora or Ceridwen! Very interesting options
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Love Gwenora! Very mysterious and enchanted sounding.
What about Elowyna, Orlaith, Zemorah, Beulah
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Gwenora seems very fitting!
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Interesting! [name_f]Gwenora[/name_f]
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I like [name_f]Gwenora[/name_f]. It is the easiest to pronounce.
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