Older mums of big families?

Yay, I love this story! Thank you for sharing. I hope I have a similar journey! Congratulations on your healthy, happy three :heavy_heart_exclamation: I love that you’re thinking about having another in your 40s, too!

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Had my first at 35, my 2nd at 37, due with my 3rd any day and almost 40…

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Oh that’s amazing :heart_eyes:

I think many women are starting to have families later in life.
I think 29 is the new 22. Times have changed and in [name_f]England[/name_f] 29 is the median age for first time mother’s.
I think, provided you feel healthy then it’s fine.
Me personally, my cut off would be age 40, but that’s because I don’t think I would have the stamina for children at that age. Especially the baby years. I had my first son at 26, second son at 29 and now baby 3 and I’ll be 33 next year. And my third will be my last and I am totally happy with the ages I have my children at.
I love seeing big families though. It seems to be the norm to have 2 and I always think it’s so refreshing to see 3 or more children. I am one of 3 myself and my partner is one of 4.


I think just start trying to have babies when you feel ready and take it from there - what you imagine your ideal family might look like now may look very different a couple of children into it, depending on so many factors. If it makes you feel any better, everybody in my family for generations has had children late. [name_f]My[/name_f] grandma had my dad at 40 and my aunt at 43 after 20 years of marriage! And my mum started having children in her 30s, had 3 healthy pregnancies and had my brother at 39. I’ve had my kids at 31 and 35, so pretty spaced out deliberately - and I feel as though there would definitely be one time for one more if we had the emotional bandwidth and the resilience to cope with another year of sleep deprivation - but we don’t!

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My mamma had her first child at 29 and had her last at 49 and my pappa was 31 and 51, they have 12 children. Granted, they have three sets of twins (we oddly have a strong twin gene) but we all love our mamma and pappa dearly and would never think of them differently because of their ages. We all loved our childhood. I don’t think age of parents matter unless you feel that because of your age you can’t be as active and keep up with your children. Our parents were and are very active and take care of their mind and bodies well. I was a younger parent (23 at my first) but I am currently pregnant with my third and I am 29 (I will be 30, 4 months after my baby is born). It is what you as a individual can handle. Me and husband never put an amount on kids we have, we do a one child at a time approach so we know what we can handle and what we can not. I hope that was useful :blush:

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Thank you! [name_f]My[/name_f] partner and I are still apart (thanks to Covid). We are hoping to be reunited by [name_u]December[/name_u], when Tasmania’s borders open again. Otherwise we have to save $6000 just to cover quarantine fees! Which we will do if necessary. We were already TTC last year so this year has been a real blow for us. We’re so ready.

I’ll be 32 in [name_u]December[/name_u] so time is getting on… But our absolute dream is to get pregnant and have our first baby next year, before I turn 33. We want a really big family but will also consider adoption after our first couple. We’re both fit and healthy and don’t look our age at all so that’s a bonus. Perhaps we can pretend we’re younger :wink:


Similar boat! Baby fever didn’t hit me until around the same time. Before then, not on my radar at all. Same! I will say, 90% of my peers had their first between 28-32 years old, and most commonly 29-30.

  • First kid at/around 30.
  • Second kid estimated at/around 33.
  • Third kid … ideally at/around 34-35?

Caveats abound, we’d like 3 kids with the possibility of 4 if the last birth is twins.

Two Important things to remember:

  1. The body needs 12-18 months minimum in between pregnancies. The body physically and chemically needs to heal after pregnancy, delivery, and massive postpartum changes, as well as replenish its nutrient stores… It is healthier (for the woman and the fetus) to have a baby at 40 rather than rush a pregnancy for the sake of having the baby at 39.

  2. Above the age of 30, the normal AVG TTC time is 12 months. (A lot of ppl don’t know this and get upset and anxious and depressed when they aren’t pregnant right away). Tracking fertility windows with OPKs can drastically help shorten the timeframe.


Those are great tips, thanks!

I’m really hoping it won’t take us too long to conceive when we’re reunited. We tried for 3 cycles before we were separated by covid and, whilst I drank a lot of coffee and wine during lockdown, I’m now cleansing in preparation for being back together by [name_u]December[/name_u]! I’m hoping being physically and mentally ready will help speed up the process. I’ve also been tracking my cycle for years as I’ve been using natural contraception (the rhythm method) to not get pregnant, so hopefully that all helps… But it’s a bit of a weird feeling getting to 31 without even a pregnancy scare, it makes it feel like such a remote possibility!

I had my kids at 30, 32 and am currently pregnant with our third at 38. When trying to conceive my oldest two, I went into it with the mindset that it would take at least 6 months to a year. For each of them, it only took two months. And that was two months right after I stopped taking the pill so my cycle didn’t need an adjustment time or anything. Also didn’t track anything or stop drinking or change any other habits other than I started taking a prenatal vitamin every day. If I wasn’t on my period, then my husband and I were having sex as much as possible. With this current pregnancy, I got pregnant while on the pill (and I was taking it correctly. Same time each day. No skipped days). Really, it just comes down to your body and how it works. I’ve known others like me who could conceive in their 30s and no problem and some who had trouble conceiving in their early 20s. Not sure if any of that helps but thought I’d share just in case!

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Oh wow you sound very fertile and lucky! [name_f]My[/name_f] sister got pregnant one month after stopping the pill so I’m hoping… But I was pretty surprised our three tries over summer didn’t get us anywhere. It’s possible we weren’t trying enough… Or maybe we just weren’t ready. We were living in a tent in his brothers back yard after all! But we’ll have our own 3 bedroom house when I get back to Tasmania :smiley: so lots of space and privacy for baby making.