DD #1 is named [name]Penelope[/name], we call her [name]Penny[/name] or [name]Pen[/name]. She actually helped pick out her sister’s potential name and sounds adorable when she say says the name, for DD #2, which is [name]Olive[/name]. Then we recently had a comment from someone, “what, [name]Olive[/name], was the name cucumber taken?” ha ha, right?
So, am now I am having second thoughts about the name, not just because of this one incident, but maybe I am not in love with it as I was a few months ago? Or maybe it is just pregnancy hormones, as I am 38 weeks, and could have the baby anytime!
Pros: name style goes with [name]Penelope[/name], is a green color name - like mine ([name]Kelly[/name]), meaning of peace
Cons: noun name, too plain/short a name next to [name]Penelope[/name], our last name is also two syllables
Other names my husband and I have considered: [name]Beatrix[/name], [name]Eliza[/name]
Names we like, but can’t use for one reason or another: [name]Clara[/name], [name]Margaret[/name]/[name]Maggie[/name]
I would appreciate any thoughts, comments, suggestions!
Honestly, I really don’t like [name]Olive[/name]. It’s never struck me as a name I’d want for my child.
However, I adore [name]Eliza[/name]. It’s beautiful. And it sounds wonderful as a sibling set - [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Penny[/name] and [name]Liza[/name], etc. Very cute, and it will grow well with your daughter as she ages.
I love [name]Olive[/name]! I’m sick to death of [name]Olivia[/name] and think [name]Olive[/name] is fresh and sweet. It’s also perfect with [name]Penelope[/name]. I like your other potential names too (although I prefer [name]Beatrice[/name] to [name]Beatrix[/name]), but I say go with your daughter’s first choice–she has good taste!
I’ve never been a huge fan of [name]Olive[/name], but it wouldn’t strike me as weird enough to comment on. I’ve known two and they both wear the name well. Plus, having your first daughter involved in the naming process makes a really cute story. However, if you are reconsidering, I love [name]Eliza[/name]. It’s one my favorite names and it sounds really lovely with [name]Penelope[/name].
The only problem I have with [name]Olive[/name] is the [name]Olive[/name] from the Disney show ANT Farm. I picture a very know it all kind of girl because of that show. BUT, on the other hand, there is [name]Olive[/name] Oil from Popeye which is a good image…sorta.
I absolutely love [name]Olive[/name]! [name]Olivia[/name] nn [name]Olive[/name]/[name]Liv[/name] is on my short list. [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] seems perfect to me, and [name]Olive[/name] seems like such a sweet choice. Natural, peace-loving, sweet, but still has those lovely nns [name]Olivia[/name] does (well, most of them, anyway!). Some may not like it, but I think it’s a great choice and I like it more than all your other options (well, I absolutely adore [name]Clara[/name], but if it’s unusable to you…), too.
I’m on the fence with [name]Olive[/name]. I’ve actually been considering adding it to my list because I love the nn [name]Liv[/name] but [name]Olivia[/name] is too popular for me. I think it’s cute and I love the meaning. If you like it, you should use it! It does go well with [name]Penelope[/name] too. It makes me think of [name]Olive[/name] from [name]Little[/name] Miss [name]Sunshine[/name]…such a great movie!
I have seen the name more and more. [name]Sasha[/name] [name]Baron[/name] [name]Cohen[/name] and [name]Isla[/name] [name]Fisher[/name] named their daughter [name]Olive[/name]. Movies and shows like Easy A, Pushing Daisies and [name]Little[/name] Miss [name]Sunshine[/name] feature an [name]Olive[/name].
I’ve never liked [name]Olive[/name] that much personally (and would much prefer [name]Beatrix[/name]). However I don’t think this incident should be a cause for you to reconsider the name. Everyone has second thoughts about their name choice, but when you see your baby girl, I think you’ll know if you have chosen the right one.
[name]Olive[/name] may not exactally be my taste, but I don’t think it’s a vad name. Plus, it blends perfectly with big sister’s name! If you truly love [name]Olive[/name], then I say go for it. Congrats and good luck!
I never understood the hype over [name]Olive[/name], it’s just…ugh! and it sounds even worse next to [name]Penelope[/name].
I’ve met older women with the much prettier names Olivie “oh-la-vee” and Olivae “oh-la-vay”
[name]Green[/name] name that fits with [name]Penelope[/name]:
If I didn’t have to consider anyone else’s opinion, I’d name my daughter [name]Olive[/name] today. [name]Penelope[/name] is currently my number one choice as DH agrees with it. I love the thought of [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] and picture these as my two daughters names some time in the future though it will probably never happen.
I realize [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] dont seem to fit together with one being much longer than the other and [name]Penelope[/name] seeming much more prim than [name]Olive[/name] but I just love them together. [name]Penny[/name] and [name]Livvy[/name] I say. [name]Penn[/name] and [name]Liv[/name].
To me, [name]Olive[/name] seems strong, creative, a nature lover, worldly, wise and determined. She is someone who will be whoever she wants to be, regardless of opinion, and people will love her for that.
Please use [name]Olive[/name] if you love it. There will be people who have nasty feedback no matter what name you choose.
@lori johnson - I agree that [name]Penelope[/name] is more playful/fun/quirky than [name]Olive[/name], and that has been one of my reasons for not totally loving it lately. [name]Clementine[/name] is cute, but one of the names that I have always liked in this style is [name]Tallulah[/name], but my husband thinks it seems too “southern/belle of the ball” - not totally sure what he means by this.
Anyway, I think it is back on my list, maybe she will just look like a [name]Tallulah[/name] or an [name]Olive[/name]
I absolutely love [name]Olive[/name] and think it goes great with [name]Penelope[/name]. Also really like [name]Eliza[/name] but I think [name]Olive[/name] is a great choice!
So this is way after the fact…my little one is now five months old But we finally ended up choosing a name that we had previously considered and just continued to grow on us - [name]Matilda[/name]. And it so suits her! Thanks to everyone for your input