Our daughter’s name is [name]Nola[/name] [name]Belle[/name], nickname [name]Lala[/name]. [name]Kit[/name] picked out her middle name, which [name]Olive[/name] loved. They both agreed on something. Amazing!
[name]Olive[/name], [name]Kit[/name], and [name]Nola[/name]. I love it!!!
[name]Nola[/name] wasn’t on the list, but none of the names on my list didn’t work because my husband didn’t like it or I didn’t think fit her. My sister mentioned she should have an ‘N’ name because our initials were K, L, M, & O. A N would complete us. So I started looking at N names and came across [name]Nola[/name]. And my husband immediately liked it. Shocker!
What convinced me is when I did a google search for [name]Nola[/name], New Orleans, LA ([name]NOLA[/name]) popped up, which is perfect because that’s where we were for a wedding/family reunion when I got pregnant with [name]Nola[/name]. Perfect. A name and a story.
[name]Nola[/name] [name]Belle[/name] is beautiful and fits perfectly with [name]Olive[/name] and [name]Kit[/name]! I’m so happy for you finding a name you love that fits her! And the fact about New Orleans makes it even better!
[name]Love[/name] [name]Nola[/name] [name]Belle[/name], so happy for you and your family. Your daughters are great namers. They should be on Nameberry!
Congratulations! I think you should write the story of agonizing over every name imaginable and then, in the end, finding something perfect you’d never thought of before. Perfect nameberry guest blog!