I am almost 30 weeks pregnant and having a really hard time with finding a name that I like…I think I have it down to two names that I like…[name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Bennett[/name]…which one do you prefer and why? Thank-you so much in advance!
[name]Do[/name] they both go well with the last name? Have you already selecteda middle name? Th answers to these questions could help. I am having a hard time deciding between the two names. They are both pretty solid. I really like [name]Oliver[/name] and love [name]Olie[/name] but I also love the name [name]Ben[/name] and wonder if [name]Bennett[/name] is a nice somewhat fresh alternative to [name]Benjamin[/name] (another classic gem [name]IMO[/name]).
The middle name is going to be [name]Michael[/name]…
I like both, but I’d go with [name]Bennett[/name] because it’s less common.
I love [name]Bennett[/name]! I quite love [name]Oliver[/name], too, but I tend to prefer the feminine variants ([name]Olivia[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] especially). I love the literary connection to Pride and Prejudice for [name]Bennett[/name], and that it means “blessed one” (I think). I think [name]Bennett[/name] ages well, it’s so classy and unexpected, a true gem. [name]Oliver[/name]'s lovely, too, but not quite as lovely as [name]Bennett[/name], to me, anyway. I think [name]Bennett[/name] [name]Michael[/name] sounds better, too.
Good luck!
In my opinion, they are both classy and sophisticated names with cute nicknames. Tough choice. I really like [name]Oliver[/name], but don’t like [name]Ollie[/name] as a nickname as much as [name]Ben[/name]. I have never met a [name]Bennett[/name], which is great because that leads me to believe it is this underused gem. Good [name]Luck[/name], you really can’t go wrong, they both sound great with [name]Michael[/name] in the middle.
Thank-you so much everyone for your opinions, it is much appreciated
[name]Oliver[/name] has 3 syllables and therefore sounds slightly better with [name]Michael[/name], but [name]Bennett[/name] is much more uncommon and romantic.
[name]Bennett[/name]. I’ve only met one person with this name, a child in my sons’ preschool, and he would be about 7 now. [name]Love[/name] it!
[name]Bennett[/name]! It’s so sweet and perfect for a little boy. It’s a great alternative to [name]Benjamin[/name].
I just wanted to agree that I love [name]Bennett[/name] too!
Have an easy and healthy delivery and can’t wait to hear what you have decided to name the little one.
I love both. I would decide when you meet the little guy. See which one fits him best when he arrives. I have to see the baby before I make a final decision.
Thank-you!!! I love this site, very helpful:D
[name]Bennett[/name] is my favorite. It’s masculine and strong, yet soft and gentle. It has a little quirk to it, different than common [name]Benjamin[/name]. And it reminds me of [name]Lizzie[/name] [name]Bennett[/name], one of the best literature heroines of all time.
[name]Oliver[/name] is one of my favorite boys names ever so I would chose it over [name]Bennett[/name] even though it is quite popular.
I absolutely love [name]Oliver[/name]. [name]Bennett[/name] isn’t really my taste.
I really prefer [name]Oliver[/name]. [name]Bennet[/name] is ok. It just feels less refined than [name]Oliver[/name].
I love [name]Bennett[/name] as well - very underused, but totally cool!
I love the name [name]Bennett[/name], a nice less common alternative to [name]Benjamin[/name].
[name]Oliver[/name] is so, so popular in the UK, it’s very overdone.
All wonderful comments!!!