Oliver too close to Olive?

We are expecting a boy this fall and both love the name [name]Oliver[/name]. However, my niece is named [name]Olive[/name]. Although we live across the country from them we are fairly close and she will only be 3 1/2 when our boy is born. She is also nicknamed [name]Ollie[/name]. Are they too close to the same name for us to use it?

If we don’t use [name]Oliver[/name], other suggestions? Our daughter has a unique 3 syllable name and we would love to find one for our son too (I realize [name]Oliver[/name] isn’t that unique but we still love it). We both like old-fashioned/vintage names best, but don’t want anything too common given how supremely common our last name is ([name]Williams[/name]). Thanks!

Yes, they are very similar. If you love it though, I would still use it. Here are some other three syllable names:


Good luck!

I think that [name]Olive[/name] and [name]Oliver[/name] are very, very close. I suppose it really depends on how often you see your niece, but, as much as I love [name]Oliver[/name], I think it sounds as if I may have to recommend against it in your situation. [name]Oliver[/name] is also actually in the top 100, which might be a deterrent for you if you don’t want something too common.

What about …

[name]Tolliver[/name] (Maybe a bit too out there, but it removes it a bit more from [name]Olive[/name], and it’s much less common.)

It depends on how much the two will see it eachother and if you care about using a name that is similar to a cousins. The two may actually think it is cool that their names are very similar. I don’t think there is any problem. Of course you could always use [name]Oliver[/name] as a middle name if you are worried.

I like the suggestion of [name]Theodore[/name]. There is also [name]Frederick[/name] (already recommended) and [name]Benjamin[/name].