I saw this name floating around and thought it sounded lovely. What does everyone else think?
It’s soo cute. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s terribly accessible to English speakers. I believe the original pronunciation is “um bell een” (audio), a bit like “umbilical?” In English it’s bound to be something like “OM bull een,” which is okay but loses much of the charm for me. Similarly, I think [name_f]Pomeline[/name_f] doesn’t work well in English either. (I would add [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] to this list too, actually - it’s soo much prettier in [name_m]French[/name_m]!)
Ombeline is the [name_m]French[/name_m] form of Humbelina, a medieval name that reminds me of Thumbelina. (I think Thumbelina is cute too, even though it’s called “ugly” at the end of the [name_m]Hans[/name_m] [name_m]Christian[/name_m] [name_m]Andersen[/name_m] fairy tale: “‘You shall not be called Thumbelina,’ said the [name_f]Flower[/name_f] [name_u]Angel[/name_u] to her. ‘That is an ugly name, and you are too pretty for it. We will call you [name_f]Maia[/name_f].’”)
I think it is nice enough, but a bit too clunky for my taste. I’m not a fan, but I wouldn’t hate it on someone else’s kid.
I didnt like it until i read tanaquil’s response. The proper pronunciation is very pretty.
It’s very pretty! Quite grand and majestic sounding, but a has a lovely lilting sound.
Sorry, I think it’s quite clunky. I don’t like it.
I think it’s got a lovely sound.
You might also consider [name_m]Cymbeline[/name_m] - the name of a ballet, and an old English king, but I think would be really pretty for a girl!
^^ [name_m]Cymbeline[/name_m] was the name I was grasping for when I posted - that’s what Ombeline reminds me of, buy may be slightly less clunky if that bothers you.
It’s a little too cute, I cant see it on a teen, adult or elder, just on a baby
I also find it clunky and even a bit silly.