On the verge of deciding for our 5 day old daughter! Brynn, Winona, Penelope?

Alright, we are VERY ready to give our sunshine girl her name. She is 5 days old. I posted earlier and got some great responses. We are so close!! Please help in our final decision.

What do you think of [name]Brynn[/name]? Is it too masculine? Which spelling do you suggest? We really like this name, but it is so different than our other choices, which are more flowery…

Also, strongly considering [name]Winona[/name] and [name]Penelope[/name].

Thanks for your help!
We’ll hopefully be letting you know her name tomorrow! :slight_smile:

I’m not a fan of [name]Brynn[/name] ([name]Bryn[/name]) sorry, but that’s partly because I live in [name]Wales[/name] were it is exclusively a boys name, and I know more middle aged and old men with the name than I do young boys. It’s not that I have a problem with it being used on girls, but I just think of it as such a man’s name, and an old man’s name at that! Reminds me of [name]Gwyn[/name], [name]Glyn[/name], [name]Flynn[/name], [name]Finn[/name] - all men’s names to me.

If you do use it, I would probably stick to the [name]Bryn[/name] spelling and just add a really girly middle like [name]Bryn[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]. I think adding the extra “n” doesn’t make it look more feminine, it just looks unbalanced and a little trendy to me. Then again, I don’t know how well used the name already is on girls in [name]America[/name], so maybe the [name]Brynn[/name] spelling is more popular?

My absolute favourite without a doubt is [name]Penelope[/name]! It’s no 2 on my own list and I sincerly hope to have a little [name]Penelope[/name] myself one day. [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Bryn[/name] could work, and allow you to use two favourites?

[name]Winona[/name] is a quirky and unexpected choice with the option of cool nn [name]Winnie[/name]. I like it, but I still prefer [name]Penelope[/name], probably as [name]Winona[/name] is so tied to [name]Winona[/name] [name]Ryder[/name] and [name]Winona[/name] [name]Judd[/name] to me which gives it a little bit of a dated feel. If I ignore that though it is a sweet choice. [name]Winona[/name] [name]May[/name]? [name]Winona[/name] [name]Grace[/name]? [name]Winona[/name] [name]Louise[/name]? [name]Winona[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name]? [name]Winona[/name] [name]June[/name]?

Best of luck, and congrats on your little girl!

Yes, not a fan of [name]Brynn[/name]. [name]Penelope[/name], though, yes!

Thumbs down to [name]Brynn[/name], if you call her your ‘sunshine’ she deserves [name]Penelope[/name] or [name]Winona[/name]. I choose [name]Penelope[/name] with the nick name of [name]Poppy[/name]. Delightful!

I would like to see your daughter with a lovely girly name. I didn’t see [name]Amelia[/name] on your final list what happened to her? If she is still on the list I would definitely choose her.

I have never been able to understand the love today’s generation have for [name]Penelope[/name]. We had a [name]Penelope[/name] at school but only ever called [name]Penny[/name]. I think the nickname of [name]Penny[/name] is cute but [name]Penelope[/name] isn’t in my opinion a very pretty name, however, that is just me.

I would be inclined to use [name]Bryn[/name] as a middle name and [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Bryn[/name] would be nice if you don’t want a frilly middle name.

In second place to [name]Amelia[/name] is [name]Winona[/name].

All the best and please post in Birth Announcements when you are ready.


Edited for privacy.

Well, I love [name]Brynn[/name], the American spelling. Its right down my alley of names. My favorite combos are:
[name]Brynn[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]
[name]Penelope[/name] [name]Brynn[/name]
[name]Penelope[/name] [name]Wren[/name]
Not really a fan of [name]Winona[/name], sorry.

I like [name]Brynn[/name], but don’t love it. It’s sweet and pretty, [name]IMO[/name]. I like [name]Brenna[/name] a bit more, but [name]Brynn[/name] works very well. [name]Winona[/name] is very spunky and cute! Have never understood the liking for [name]Penelope[/name].

I really dislike [name]Brynn[/name], sorry. I think your little sunshine deserves something a little more girly and sweet. I would go with [name]Penelope[/name]. Heaps of great nickname options, but also a great standalone. If you really want to use [name]Brynn[/name], than how about [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Brynn[/name]?

Another UK dweller here so [name]Brynn[/name] is too masculine, how about [name]Bryony[/name] it’s similar but much prettier and better fitting a ‘sunshine’ girl, then you can call her [name]Brynn[/name] as a spunky nickname. I’m planning [name]Wren[/name] if this bump is a girl but not sure it’s feminine enough for you…?

I’m not a huge fan of [name]Penelope[/name] or [name]Winona[/name] but don’t want to start suggesting other options when you are so close to deciding already.

starts thinking maybe i should add [name]Bryony[/name] too my list as i really like it

Sorry, but don’t like masculine [name]Brynn[/name] at all. [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Winona[/name] nn [name]Winny[/name], this is on my list too. [name]Penelope[/name] is OK but [name]Penny[/name] is not as cute as [name]Winny[/name]. Like the suggestion of [name]Wren[/name] as a middle name.

Definitely [name]Penelope[/name], I love it. Lots of NNs, my favourites are [name]Poppy[/name] & [name]Lola[/name]. I like peoples suggestion of [name]Wren[/name] as a MN. I think [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Winona[/name] works but is quite long.

An official vote for [name]Penelope[/name], which lets you try on lots of nickname options (you seem to like keeping your options open!).

Oh no, what happened to [name]Daphne[/name]? That was my first choice. Anyhow, now my vote goes to [name]Penelope[/name] - [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Brynn[/name], maybe?

I like [name]Brynn[/name]! I suggested it to my cousin for her little girl!
2nd choice is [name]Winona[/name]… im not a fan of penelope

I like [name]Penelope[/name] best :slight_smile: If two of your names are similar in style, it’s likely that you’ll have the easiest time finding a sibling for [name]Penelope[/name] or [name]Winona[/name], too :slight_smile:

I love [name]Winona[/name]. I also like the other poster’s suggestion of [name]Bryony[/name] nn [name]Brynn[/name]. I think [name]Winona[/name] [name]Brynn[/name] would be a nice fn and mn together. I really don’t like [name]Penelope[/name] on anyone ever, so I guess I have a bias on that name!

I agree with @ljandrl–to me, [name]Bryn/name is just a boys’ name. I know it’s gained significant popularity in the US but I’ve only ever met one, and he was kind of a hunk, lol, so I can’t really see it on a sweet, sunshiny little girl. I’ve been more interested in my Welsh roots lately and I’ve always liked [name]Bryn[/name] for a boy, so I’ve actually been thinking about adding it to my boys’ list. But I know lots of people love it for a girl.

Would you use a nn for [name]Penelope[/name] or [name]Winona[/name]? I think those would be the deciding factors for me. I love the idea of [name]Winnie[/name] as a nn for [name]Winona[/name] (although I prefer [name]Winter[/name] or even [name]Winifred[/name]), and [name]Lola[/name] or [name]Poppy[/name] for [name]Penelope[/name]. I think you could use [name]Brynn[/name] and no one would bat an eye, but it seems like [name]Penelope[/name] or [name]Winona[/name] is more true to your style, so if you have another daughter, would you feel like you need something more along [name]Brynn[/name]'s style, like [name]Harper[/name] or [name]Hadley[/name] or [name]Addison[/name], as opposed to [name]Penelope[/name]'s style, which I imagine having very different sisters? I think [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Winona[/name] would be great for sisters but I would find it weird to see [name]Brynn[/name] and [name]Penelope[/name] as sisters–does that make sense?

I think you could easily do [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Brynn[/name] or [name]Winona[/name] [name]Brynn[/name], too…

Good luck!

1 [name]Penelope[/name]
2 [name]Winona[/name]
3 [name]Brynn[/name]

It’s so interesting to me how much geography really affects one’s perception of a name. I too am from the NW USA and happen to think [name]Brynn[/name] is lovely. To me, this name is soft and sweet and suits a female better than a male. I’ve only ever met a female [name]Brynn[/name] (she goes by [name]Brenn[/name]). That being said, I wouldn’t call it trendy, but definitely more mainstream than your other choices. And it is quite a departure in style from [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Winona[/name] which definitely fit the spunky, sunny, bubbly description (I see [name]Brynn[/name] as more serene).

I agree with the other poster that you may want to think about potential future baby names and your style direction. Also, how important are nn for you? For me, I can do without them, but [name]Brynn[/name] just doesn’t get the nn options that the other two do.

Good luck…looking forward to hearing your decision!