Once more :) Damien's sister: Sienna or Aveline?

See the results of this poll: Which one?

Respondents: 44 (This poll is closed)

  • Sienna : 28 (64%)
  • Aveline: 16 (36%)

I like both names but I voted for [name_f]Sienna[/name_f]. I think it fits better with [name_m]Damien[/name_m] and I just like this name better in general :slight_smile:

@musicwaves - Cool, thanks!

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] @jadnf,

To me, [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] and [name_f]Sienna[/name_f] aren’t stylistically compatible with [name_m]Damien[/name_m], but you’re on the right track with the saints’ names on your list! Here are the ones I feel would best complement [name_m]Damien[/name_m]:

[name_m]Damien[/name_m] {and}

{b} [name_m]Antony[/name_m], [name_m]Marcellus[/name_m], [name_m]Vincent[/name_m]

{g} [name_f]Lucia[/name_f], [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f], [name_f]Veronica[/name_f]

{Saints’ Names / The [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Name [name_m]Wizard[/name_m]}

I much prefer [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] to [name_f]Sienna[/name_f].

I think so long as you don’t give a 4th kid a name with another v in you should be fine. (notice I use another v name in my example below so it might not be a deal breaker but not ideal on paper.)

I would be more concerned about the n endings in [name_m]Damien[/name_m], [name_f]Aveline[/name_f], and [name_m]Vincent[/name_m]. I think the leen ending emphasizes this vs the line ending.
Like you could have 4 kids named [name_m]Damien[/name_m], [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] (line pronunciation), [name_m]Vincent[/name_m] and [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f] or
you could have [name_m]Damien[/name_m], [name_f]Aveline[/name_f], [name_m]Vincent[/name_m] and [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] (or any other french-lite ette name) where the t endings of [name_m]Vincent[/name_m] and [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] tie together.

I adore [name_m]Damien[/name_m] and [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] as a sibling set.

[name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_f]Aveline[/name_f]! I’d definitely choose that over [name_f]Sienna[/name_f]—it keeps the same feminine, worldly vibe without sounding too modern and trendy like [name_f]Sienna[/name_f]. Also, it’s not a kind of car (which isn’t a dealbreaker for [name_f]Sienna[/name_f], but would be kind of annoying.)

And how funny, my middle name is [name_f]Beth[/name_f] after my aunt [name_f]Beth[/name_f] [name_f]Anne[/name_f]. If I were to choose from your middle options, I’d probably go for [name_f]Annabeth[/name_f] or [name_f]Bethany[/name_f].

I much prefer [name_f]Aveline[/name_f].

An update…. Thanks everyone for the votes and comments. Helpful to us as we consider.

@apollonia @sarab.cook - Right on, I agree with both of your comments. We’ve always been focused on the sibset and I realize that was what most of my post was about, but now that we actually have to make one we’re reconsidering just how much of a factor this really is to us.

Didn’t mean to leave my thread dangling here - I’ve been struggling with pregnancy nausea for the past few weeks and unfortunately thinking about names has literally been making me feel ill! We’ve tentatively settled for [name_f]Sienna[/name_f] [name_f]Elisabeth[/name_f] because it upsets my tummy the least :wink: We’ll revisit names after we’ve found out boy/girl and know if we even have to worry about girls names :slight_smile:

Thanks again guys for the feedback!