One Person Only?

Okay, so these are a couple of names I really like, but kind of seem owned by a person now [name]IMO[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you think these names are to uncommon on too iconic of a person/character to be used?
[name]Kirstie[/name] - I love this name so much, [name]Anya[/name] [name]Kirstie[/name] is one of my favourite name combos, but I don’t know whether or not [name]Kirstie[/name] Alley has put too much of a trademark on this name for me to actually ever use it.
[name]Hermione[/name] - Kind of self-explanatory. Too [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]?
[name]Adele[/name] - Such a beautiful name, but I’m terrified it’s pinned on the now really popular singer [name]Adele[/name] Atkins, who goes by her first name only whilst performing.
[name]Ginny[/name] - Again with the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] names. Still usable?
[name]Luna[/name] - More [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]. Too HP?
Please give me your opinions!

[name]Kirstie[/name] - My first thought is [name]Kirstie[/name] Alley but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. Also, [name]Kirstie[/name] Alley is 60 years old so any child born today won’t be that aware of her.

[name]Hermione[/name] - The only one of your names that I think is unusable. It’s just way too [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]. If people had heard of the name prior to the books/movies, then I’d say sure but since the majority of people didn’t know the name existed until then, I think it’s just too tied to t he character.

[name]Adele[/name] - Part of the “old lady chic” trend that’s quite popular right now. I don’t think it’s tied to the singer [name]Adele[/name] as there are plenty of other [name]Adele[/name]'s in the world, unlike say [name]Beyonce[/name], [name]Cher[/name] or [name]Madonna[/name].

[name]Ginny[/name] - Like is as a nickname for [name]Virginia[/name]. Totally usable.

[name]Luna[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this one! Not to [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] at all, especially since it’s the name of a minor character.

Also, Kirstie Alley is 60 years old so any child born today won’t be that aware of her.

I did NOT know that. Wow, I feel like I saw a lot of her growing up on TV as a child (when my parents let me, that is). That just makes me feel old.

Also, I’m in agreement with the previous poster’s statements.

[name]Kirstie[/name] - I wouldn’t worry about [name]Kirstie[/name] Alley!
[name]Hermione[/name] - For me this is on the border, I think if I met a little girl named [name]Hermione[/name] I would end up with a positive feeling about the name
[name]Adele[/name] - Since [name]Adele[/name] is so newly popular right now I think it would be better to hold off using this name until later!
[name]Ginny[/name] - I’m not a big HP fan so I would never make a connection to the books/movies
[name]Luna[/name] - See [name]Ginny[/name]

[name]Kirstie[/name]- I think the multitude of [name]Chris[/name]-/[name]Kris[/name]- names makes this one okay. And like a previous poster mentioned, [name]Kirstie[/name] Alley probably won’t be very big to today’s babies.
[name]Hermione[/name]- This is the only one on your list I really think is unusable. It was never really used before [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] and it was just so obscure and unlike any other names. [name]Hermione[/name] is one of the biggest characters, and I think it’ll be off limits for at least a few generations.
[name]Adele[/name]- I think the name is so similar to other [name]Ad[/name]- and -ele choices like [name]Annabel[/name], [name]Adeline[/name], [name]Addison[/name], [name]Ella[/name], etc. that it’s fine to use. Plus it was relatively well-used before the singer, unlike [name]Beyonce[/name] or [name]Cher[/name], and [name]Adele[/name] isn’t nearly at that level of fame.
[name]Ginny[/name]- Another name I think is fine because of its previous popularity. I have a great-aunt called [name]Ginny[/name], short for [name]Virginia[/name], and I’m sure many people know older women who go by this name. I even think [name]Ginevra[/name]- [name]Ginny[/name] Weasley’s full first name- is usable because it’s only mentioned once or twice in the book.
[name]Luna[/name]- Again, not too obscure before [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name], and I’d expect it to be rising anyway because of the new popularity of solar-counterpart [name]Stella[/name] and sound-alikes [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Lucia[/name], and [name]Louisa[/name].

[name]Kirstie[/name] - I did get the [name]Kirstie[/name] Alley connection right away. I think it’s a very pretty and rare name. I know a [name]Kirsty[/name] and I don’t think of [name]Kirstie[/name] Alley when I think of her. I’d use it anyway!

[name]Hermione[/name] - I’d love to say that the connection doesn’t matter with this one because I absolutely love it - but I can’t. Maybe a few years from now when [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] is a little bit more passe? I had considered it and dropped it off my list for this reason.

[name]Adele[/name] - I think this one is totally useable. I would be very careful of this hidden gem going viral, if that matters to you. I know of 3 people in my social circle who considered this for their baby. It seemed to pop up out of nowhere.

[name]Ginny[/name] - The only [name]Ginny[/name] I’ve ever heard of is the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] character. I think there is a strong connection but it doesn’t mean the name in unusable.

[name]Luna[/name] - I don’t associate this name at all with [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]. I adore it!