What do you think of the two names? Which name do you like better and why?
Oona is a personal favourite so I have to say her. I just think she’s so chic and magical!
Matilde is a lovely name though — I just find the spelling confusing. Is it pronounced like Matilda or Mathilde or something else?
Both names are beautiful but [name_f]Matilde[/name_f] is my favorite! That’s the traditional variant where I live. [name_f]Matilde[/name_f] is a regal, timeless and elegant name.
[name_f]Oona[/name_f]! I love how beautiful and ethereal she is in her simplicity. She’s just a very cool name!
Same. The variants in my country are [name_f]Matilde[/name_f], [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] and [name_f]Mafalda[/name_f], but [name_f]Matilde[/name_f] is the most traditional and common one. It feels overdone for me in my country but I love it in [name_f]English[/name_f] speaking countries since it is rarer.
It is pronunced like “mah-TEEL-deh” (in Italian)
Good idea to post the pronunciation - I often notice the “e” component of Spanish and Italian names pronounced as “ay” in American [name_f]English[/name_f] even though it shouldn’t be. For example in Fettuccine [name_m]Alfredo[/name_m], the commonly said “alfraydo” should be “alfrehdo”. [name_m]Even[/name_m] the pronunciation guide here on nameberry under [name_f]Matilde[/name_f] has the “ay” version listed
I love [name_f]Oona[/name_f]!
I am from [name_f]Italy[/name_f] myself ^^
[name_f]Oona[/name_f] is a long time favorite of mine! It is so fun, packs a lot of punch, and so so unique with the double O! I just adore how it looks. [name_f]My[/name_f] leopard gecko is named [name_f]Oona[/name_f]
[name_f]Matilde[/name_f] is nice, but I prefer just [name_f]Tilda[/name_f] personally- another of my favorites!
I really like both! I have a soft spot for the double O spelling of [name_f]Oona[/name_f], so she has a slight edge over [name_f]Matilde[/name_f]. So sparkly and fun, but simple. Really though, you can’t go wrong!
I associate [name_f]Oona[/name_f] with [name_f]Oona[/name_f] the prehistoric duck:
I like the name for her but I find it hard to picture on anyone else. Therefore, I can’t see the appeal of [name_f]Oona[/name_f] myself.
However, I think its a fine name in general.
I really like [name_f]Matilde[/name_f] myself. [name_f]Matilde[/name_f] is a beautiful name. It’s classic but not outdated.
I prefer [name_f]Matilde[/name_f] because it seems to be a more serious human name to me.
I love both of these - but [name_f]Oona[/name_f] is my favourite - mystical, magical and lovely!
[name_f]Matilde[/name_f] has an elegant, international vibe
I prefer [name_f]Matilde[/name_f] personally. It feels prettier and more classic
I prefer [name_f]Oona[/name_f]! It has such a warm sound and a sweet meaning.