Opinion on Nelius?

[name_m]Nelius[/name_m] with the nickname [name_m]Nollie[/name_m] for a boy or is this too girlish? I can see how it would sound like it’s leading into [name_f]Nelle[/name_f] / [name_f]Nellie[/name_f].

And what about [name_m]Nollie[/name_m] for short? Thoughts?

Is it pronounced NEEL-ih-us or NELL-ih-us?

[name_m]Nolly[/name_m] is adorable and definitely not too feminine (I love softer boys’ names anyway)

He could also choose [name_u]Lee[/name_u] as a nickname if he outgrew [name_m]Nolly[/name_m] as an adult

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Not sure how you got [name_m]Nollie[/name_m] from [name_m]Nelius[/name_m]. I would say it as Neel-ee-us. I’d prefer [name_u]Neil[/name_u] as a nickname. [name_m]Nelius[/name_m] sounds masculine to me.

[name_m]Nelius[/name_m] sounds masculine to me :slight_smile: it’s a cool name

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The ‘us’ ending makes it masculine. I don’t really see how you got [name_m]Nollie[/name_m], but if it works for you, go for it :slightly_smiling_face:


[name_m]Nelius[/name_m] sound perfectly fine on a boy to me! [name_m]Nollie[/name_m] might be a tiny stretch, but it works & is adorable.

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I think it could be pronounced either way, both seem like fair game. [name_u]Lee[/name_u] is a great idea for a nickname! I can’t believe it didn’t occur to me it’s kind of obvious

Lol pretty much just because they both start with ‘N’ and I wanted an excuse to use the name since as a standalone I think it’s out of the question

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[name_m]Nelius[/name_m] is cool! It definitely doesn’t sound girly to me because of the -us ending. I considered it as a nickname for [name_m]Cornelius[/name_m] for my own list :grin:

Can’t really see how you get [name_m]Nollie[/name_m] but I suppose it works

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