Hello- we are expecting our first daughter in about 2 weeks. I would love to hear your opinions on what name you like best! Help us decide!
- [name]Bardot[/name]
- Loucia nicknamed [name]Lou[/name]
- [name]Jorie[/name]
- [name]Arden[/name]
Hello- we are expecting our first daughter in about 2 weeks. I would love to hear your opinions on what name you like best! Help us decide!
I’ve never even run across [name]Bardot[/name] anywhere, I’m assuming you say it barr-dough? It sounds okay if that’s right, but I don’t like how it looks like [name]Bar[/name] [name]Dot[/name].
Loucia would be second after [name]Arden[/name], though I prefer the [name]Lucia[/name] spelling.
[name]Jorie[/name] doesn’t seem like a name that would fit very well on an adult, and it sounds more like an nn than a full name
I like [name]Arden[/name] best, it has nice associations with [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Arden[/name] and seems like it would work from childhood through the golden years.
I like [name]Bardot[/name] and I love the name [name]Lucy[/name] and understand that [name]Lou[/name] is becoming popular as a girl’s name. I would keep the French theme and go for
[name]Lucille[/name] [name]Bardot[/name] She is French but a little serious
[name]Lucienne[/name] [name]Bardot[/name] A smart Parisienne woman would own this name
[name]Lulu[/name] [name]Bardot[/name] This is nice, cheeky, fun and French ooh la lah
[name]Jorie[/name] could be [name]Jolie[/name] another French name but a little too [name]Brad[/name] and [name]Angelina[/name] unless in middle name spot.
[name]Arden[/name] reminds me of [name]Eve[/name] [name]Arden[/name] and I think that [name]Eve[/name] [name]Bardot[/name] would be really beautiful.
best wishes please let us know what you choose.
PS I am a [name]Margot[/name] and cannot for the life of me understand how anyone who has even a smidgin knowledge of French would not realise that the French ‘t’ is silent. I have never had anyone call me anything but phonetically [name]Margo[/name].
My favorite from your list is [name]Arden[/name], and second would be [name]Lucia[/name] but only spelled this way. Loucia honestly looks like a serious misspelling. I like the idea of [name]Bardot[/name] as a middle name, but I don’t think it works well as a first because it sounds a bit masculine. [name]Lucia[/name] [name]Bardot[/name] or [name]Lucienne[/name] [name]Bardot[/name] would be nice, I think someone already mentioned that. And I don’t care for [name]Jorie[/name], it looks like a nickname for [name]Jordan[/name].
My favorite from your list is Loucia, though I think your daughter would grow weary having to constantly correct people on the spelling.
My advice would be to stick to the original spelling [name]Lucia[/name] and have the nickname [name]Lu[/name] rather than [name]Lou[/name].
A name you might consider if you love the nn [name]Lou[/name], is [name]Allouette[/name]. It is french for lark. I am sure you have heard the children’s song that goes [name]Allouette[/name], gentille alouette… in case you are wondering how to pronounce it. =)
I prefer [name]Arden[/name] to [name]Bardot[/name], but I think either would serve as a lovely middle name for a more feminine first name. [name]Jorie[/name] is a nice name but I would prefer it as a nickname for something more substantial, personally.
Good luck to you =)
[name]Bardot[/name] will be forever associated with [name]Brigitte[/name] [name]Bardot[/name] so it’s not a name I would give to a girl - it’s just too much to live up to in my opinion. I like [name]Lucia[/name] (this spelling only) and [name]Arden[/name]. [name]Jorie[/name] doesn’t look like a name to me at all. You should also consider any future children’s names - [name]Bardot[/name] would limit your choices more than [name]Lucia[/name] or [name]Arden[/name]. Best wishes to you!
Thank you so much for all of your thoughts. I can’t tell you how helpful all these are to us. Thank you thank you thank you!
[name]Bardot[/name] – Like others have stated, it is very closely related with [name]Brigitte[/name]. That’s not necessarily a bad association, but it might indeed be a lot to live up to. In general, though? I like it; it does have something very edgy but still soft to it, and it’s nice.
Loucia nn [name]Lou[/name] – I like it, but I do agree that going with [name]Lucia[/name] nn [name]Lu[/name] gives one more options and lessens spelling issues. I do really love [name]Lou[/name], though, and I like how Loucia feels like a Victorian-type spelling.
[name]Jorie[/name] – Not a fan at all.
[name]Arden[/name] – I’ve never quite been sure what I think of [name]Arden[/name] personally. It does have a nice sound and feel, albeit masculine, and it is one of the best off of your list.
I prefer Loucia best, but spelt [name]Lucia[/name].
It feels the most feminine and pretty.
Best of luck!
I can see these working well as middle names. They seem really heavy for first names. I’m saying this as one of the people who would “get” what the various names reference. JMO
*[name]Bardot[/name] - I’m sorry, but all I see is [name]Bar[/name]-dot. Could make an interesting middle though.
*Loucia - I agree with most everyone else, I much prefer the [name]Lucia[/name] spelling. Cute!
*[name]Jorie[/name] - To me it sounds a bit too much like a nn
*[name]Arden[/name] - very pretty!
My favorites, by far, from your list are [name]Arden[/name] and [name]Lucia[/name] (this spelling).
Good luck!