**Opinions Needed!**

[name]Hi[/name] ladies,

My husband and I are having a baby girl in [name]September[/name] (yay!) and are having a hard time thinking of a name. I have a few options for first and middle names and want to know how you would combine them. Last name is Levchets.

First Names:
Issabel ([name]Issa[/name])


Are there any other names that you would suggest? Thanks!

I really like the sound of [name]Eve[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]- it’s classic and pretty but [name]Eve[/name] is also fresh. Some other names you might like are [name]Elodie[/name], [name]Lillian[/name], [name]Thea[/name], and [name]Beth[/name]. The names you’ve chosen all have a feminine element so I think these might work.

I have to agree… [name]Eve[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] Levchets is gorgeous! I also like Eva Josephine Levchets.

Top choice Eva Jolie but it’s quite short, I also like Gabriella* Jolie.

  • I know it’s not up there but it’s sounds nice that way:)

I like [name]Eva[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Gabrielle[/name]/[name]Gabriella[/name] [name]Rose[/name]!

I like [name]Leila[/name] [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Leila[/name]. [name]Josephine[/name]


I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] up front – I personally prefer [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Eve[/name] or [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Rose[/name] with your last name. I think you have to be careful with [name]Eva[/name] depending on how you pronounce it: EE-va with a last name starting with L could sound like Evil Evchets, and EH-va [name]LEV[/name]-chets sounds rather redundant. If it’s pronounced like [name]Ava[/name], you could get by ok (but then maybe it should be spelling that way to make things easier?). [name]Eve[/name] Levchets is alright, but I don’t think it rings quite as well as [name]Josephine[/name] Levchets (and [name]Josie[/name], Phina, [name]Posy[/name], etc. all make nice nns). Also, as much as I like them, [name]Gabrielle[/name] and Issabel slide into Levchets (Gabriellevchets and Issabelevchets), but maybe an -a ending would fix that if you like it ([name]Gabriella[/name] [name]Rose[/name] Levchets or Issabella [name]Jolie[/name] Levchets would be pretty).

My first recommendation is [name]Vivienne[/name] (or [name]Vivian[/name] or [name]Vivien[/name]): [name]Vivienne[/name] [name]Rose[/name] Levchets would be gorgeous!! You might also like [name]Elena[/name] or [name]Helena[/name]; [name]Corinne[/name] or [name]Corinna[/name]; [name]Thalia[/name]/[name]Talia[/name] or [name]Natalia[/name]; [name]Anneliese[/name] or [name]Ana[/name]; [name]Linnea[/name], [name]Luisa[/name]/[name]Louisa[/name], or [name]Lucia[/name]. (I like [name]Leila[/name], but [name]Leila[/name] Levchets is a bit too much L. These take an L out of the equation.) And these are a little more unusual than your current contenders, but maybe they’d strike you: [name]Paloma[/name], [name]Noemie[/name], or [name]Romilly[/name] (nn [name]Milly[/name] or [name]Romy[/name]). Best wishes!!

I like…

[name]Eva[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Eva[/name] [name]Jolie[/name]

[name]Leila[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Leila[/name] [name]Rose[/name]

Issabel [name]Jolie[/name]

Thanks ladies - you are all so helpful! I really like how [name]Eva[/name] sounds, but I’m afraid that it is too common? My name is [name]Regina[/name] and I loved being the only one around with that name, so I’d hate to give my daughter a name that is very common. My husbands name is [name]Boris[/name] - obviously not common either (outside of [name]Russia[/name]).

I am loving [name]Josephine[/name] and I agree with ellenelle that [name]Leila[/name] has too many “L’s”. I also [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Issa[/name] - would it be weird to name her [name]Issa[/name] instead of [name]Isabel[/name] as her first name? Again, [name]Isabel[/name] is SO common. Other top contenders are [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Shaina[/name]. No one has commented on [name]Shaina[/name] - what are your thoughts? If it helps, we are Jewish so I feel like it would be fitting.


I think [name]Issa[/name] would be fine by itself! Had the same feel of [name]Eva[/name], and it’s short and sweet, and more unusual! I don’t normally care for [name]Josephine[/name], but I think [name]Issa[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] sounds adorable!!!

I like [name]Shaina[/name], but I can see people misreading it as [name]Shania[/name] (like [name]Shania[/name] [name]Twain[/name]).

I like [name]Issa[/name] on its own; I agree that it’s got a similar feel to [name]Eva[/name] without so much popularity. [name]Issa[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] is lovely!! I confess that [name]Shaina[/name] doesn’t have the lovely Hebrew connotations for me; I get a sort of dated, country vibe (not sure why; I’m not think [name]Shania[/name], but it still feels twangy to me). I think [name]Issa[/name] and [name]Josephine[/name] are prettier. Best of luck!

[name]How[/name] bout [name]Ziva[/name]? It is a hebrew name and has a wonderful meaning. plus it has a similar sound as [name]Eve[/name]/[name]Eva[/name] but will most likely be very unique. [name]Ziva[/name] [name]Rose[/name] sounds pretty with your last name.

Otherwise, of your list I really like [name]Leila[/name] [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Yona[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]. And [name]IMO[/name], [name]Issa[/name] would be great for a name on its own.