Opinions of Jessalyn? Is this even how you spell it?

I heard it on a TV show, and I really liked it. It flows off the tongue so pretty. [name]Jess[/name]-uh-lyn. I like it much better then [name]Jessamine[/name] which I used to really like. But does the spelling look made up as [name]Jessalyn[/name]? Please note this is not for a baby, it’s just my curiousity, and I may jot it down for future reference for a character, or just as a favorite name. WDYT, how would you spell it?

Anyone? :frowning:

I’m not a big fan of it personally.

I have a friend with this name! She spells it Jesselyn. I have to admit, if I didn’t know my friend (who is incredibly smart, worldly, and sophisticated), I would think this is a bit of a hick name.

People here most generally won’t like it. It is part of the “add a lyn” trend that was so popular a couple years ago. The trend hasn’t died, but it has slowed down a bit. The trend was to add lyn to the end of names ala [name]Loralyn[/name], Tessalyn and of course [name]Addalyn[/name] her self!.. possibly a result from [name]Britney[/name] Spears sister, [name]Jaimie[/name] [name]Lynn[/name].

However i personally think [name]Jessalyn[/name] is very pretty. I think that is also the best spelling for it. But then i’ve been loving [name]Jessica[/name] a lot lately too. :slight_smile: HTH!

I’ve met a girl with this name and she spelled it Jessalynn. I always thought it was kind of a weird name, awkward to pronounce. [name]Just[/name] my opinion of course. I prefer [name]Jessamy[/name] over [name]Jessamine[/name] or [name]Jessalyn[/name].