First off, thanks for all the feedback on my names. I agree with all of your comments and hope I can be as helpful to you as you were to me. I think you have some awesome names to work with. I am not great at pairing everything together, so I”ll just start with the first/last combo.
Least Favorites
[name]Elliott[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]” too [name]Ell[/name] heavy
[name]Bram[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]” not sure why, but I”m not feeling this. Maybe [name]Abram[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] or [name]Graham[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]??
[name]Joel[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]” I like this name, but my tongue gets tripped up on the Ls for some reason. I think if the L is at the beginning of the fn, it may not be an issue for me (i.e. [name]Lee[/name] or [name]Luke[/name])
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” see [name]Joel[/name]. Plus [name]Ollie[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] sort of sounds like a cartoon character.
[name]Miles[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” Still might be a little L heavy for me, but also I”m not loving the repeating long i sounds in both the fn/mn. But maybe if the middle name was different than the 3 presented (i.e. [name]Walker[/name], [name]Weston[/name], [name]Warren[/name], [name]Warner[/name])?
[name]Milo[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” see [name]Miles[/name]
[name]Edwin[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” I get tripped up on the repeating w”s in fn/mn
Reverse Name Potential
[name]Egan[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]” I am not familiar with this name and possible reverse potential since it”s so rare
[name]Reeve[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” like this name a lot and nice flow with [name]Ellis[/name], but definite reverse name potential
[name]Dean[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” I like [name]Dean[/name] and it is more common as a fn than [name]Ellis[/name], so you might be okay, but still falls in the reverse name potential category
[name]Austin[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” see [name]Dean[/name].
[name]Reid[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” see [name]Dean[/name], plus I think the [name]Reid[/name] spelling helps avoid the reverse name issue. This is one of my favorites on your list!
[name]Garrett[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” [name]Garrett[/name] could be a last name, but I think the flow of this name looks best this way, so I don”t think you”ll have much of an issue here. I like this one a lot too!
Of these, I really doubt you”ll have too many backwards issues using [name]Dean[/name], [name]Austin[/name], [name]Reid[/name] and [name]Garrett[/name] and all four are great choices [name]IMO[/name].
My favorites from your list (plus [name]Dean[/name], [name]Austin[/name], [name]Reid[/name], [name]Garrett[/name] above)
[name]Luke[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Jack[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Dominic[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Brody[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” Also [name]Bodhi[/name]/[name]Bode[/name] works well too
[name]Blake[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Sean[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] (baby’s godfather’s name AND a name meld of our dad’s names)
[name]Vincent[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Roy[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” Have you considered [name]Troy[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]? I like that too, if not better
[name]Blaine[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Clark[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” [name]Clark[/name] is an awesome underused name [name]IMO[/name]
[name]Clay[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Just[/name] okay for me
[name]Chase[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Caleb[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] (cousin [name]Kayden[/name], too close?) ” I personally don”t think these names are too close, but it’s lacking something for me.
[name]Jesse[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Finn[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Lee[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Pierce[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” I like this name (it”s on my list), but for some reason I”m not loving it with [name]Ellis[/name]
[name]Brice[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] ” I think this could work if the long i sound isn”t repeated in mn (see [name]Miles[/name] above)
Good [name]Luck[/name]!!!