[name]Tobias[/name] [name]Henry[/name] – [name]Love[/name] the sound of [name]Tobias[/name]. Very boyish but at the same time very old manish, which means that it will age well. Simple to pronounce and spell, while being underused and somewhat unique. Great choice. I’m just not into [name]Henry[/name] at all though. Most of the other middle names on this list would sound great with it though.
[name]Isaac[/name] [name]Amadeus[/name] – [name]Amadeus[/name] is really eccentric and very cool. I recommend moving it to the first name place. When I see [name]Isaac[/name] I think of the word “sac,” which just sounds gross to me, like a spider’s sac of eggs or the slimy sac that a puppy is born in. Maybe [name]Isaiah[/name] instead?
[name]Sebastian[/name] [name]James[/name] “[name]Seb[/name]” – I love the nickname [name]Seb[/name]. This combo isn’t my style, but I like that it’s unique and stands out, but is familiar at the same time.
[name]Sydney[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] – [name]Sydney[/name] is all girl to me, and he likely wouldn’t appreciate you for this name. [name]Alexander[/name] is too popular for my taste, and no longer feels original, fresh, or attractive.
[name]Edmund[/name] [name]Tempest[/name] – [name]Edmund[/name] has always made me think of almonds, which is an awesome association in my mind. It makes me think of sweet things. The D on the end of [name]Edmund[/name] clashes with the T on the beginning of [name]Tempest[/name]. [name]How[/name] about [name]Edmund[/name] [name]Fox[/name] instead? (Oo…very Narnian, I love that.)
[name]Albert[/name] [name]Fox[/name] “[name]Alby[/name]” – [name]Love[/name] [name]Albert[/name] because of how fusty it is. [name]Fox[/name] is super fun too, but feels contemporary. Not sure how I feel about them together. Not a fan of the nickname [name]Alby[/name].
[name]Melody[/name] [name]Marie[/name] – Some people consider [name]Melody[/name] dated, but I think it will always be beautiful. I love musical names on girls. With [name]Marie[/name] as the middle name, the combo even SOUNDS musical when you say it!
[name]Georgina[/name] [name]Grace[/name] “[name]Georgie[/name]” – [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Georgie[/name]! [name]Georgie[/name] [name]Henley[/name] is the little redhead girl who plays [name]Lucy[/name] in the [name]Narnia[/name] films, and she absolutely sold me on her name. [name]Georgina[/name] feels a bit dated to me, but I like dated, so that makes me like it more, not less. [name]Grace[/name] is cute with it, but with two G names she may end up getting called [name]Gigi[/name], which is also cute but not as much fun as [name]Georgie[/name].
[name]Lucia[/name] [name]Skye[/name] “[name]Luce[/name]” – Never been sure how to pronounce [name]Lucia[/name], so I dislike that one, because even if I did know how to say it, lots of other people still wouldn’t, and it would cause a lifetime of correcting people on how to say it. [name]Skye[/name] is beautiful though, for a first or middle.
[name]Liliana[/name] [name]Rae[/name] – The popularity of [name]Lily[/name] kills this one for me. It feels neither fresh nor original, though the sounds of the first and middle name do work nicely together here.
[name]Natasha[/name] [name]Eve[/name] “[name]Tasha[/name]” – I have loved [name]Natasha[/name] ever since the cute little baby Muppet named [name]Natasha[/name] on [name]Sesame[/name] [name]Street[/name] when I was little. It makes me think of her.
It’s also just fun to say–I like how it feels coming out.
[name]Elena[/name] [name]Maxine[/name] – I would love this if it were [name]Maxine[/name] [name]Elena[/name]. Not a fan of [name]Elena[/name] as a first name, because the Spanish pronunciations would confuse English speakers who didn’t know the correct sounds.