Opinions on the name Annora

What do you think of the name [name]Annora[/name]/[name]Anorah[/name]? It’s not on the top 1000 list for any year in the US, and I’ve never met anyone personally with this name, so I don’t have a good frame of reference.

Thoughts? Reactions? Opinions?

[name]Annora[/name] is a form of [name]Honora[/name], right? I think [name]Annora[/name] is totally gorgeous, and I love how the name is a source of both [name]Annie[/name] and [name]Nora[/name] nicknames. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I love it!!
It is our first choice right now for a baby girl…except we love the spelling [name]Honorah[/name] nn [name]Honey[/name] or Nory…
I love this name because it is pretty, ages well, has darling nn’s, and isnt ridiculously popular…
I love the nn [name]Annie[/name] too for you spelling.

It is better than [name]Nora[/name], fresher than [name]Eleanora[/name], interesting as it has an international vibe. I wouldn’t use it though.

It’s quite pretty, and royal sounding. I like it but I wouldn’t use it due to my aversion to any name with [name]Anne[/name] associations

[name]Annora[/name] is pretty, and I love that she could be [name]Annie[/name] or [name]Nora[/name], but I must say that I prefer [name]Honora[/name] (which I adore).

I really like it! I can’t decide if I like [name]Annora[/name] or [name]Honora[/name] better.

Thanks for the feedback! My husband suggested this name last night since we both like the nickname [name]Norah[/name], but aren’t completely sold on [name]Eleanor[/name] as a first name. Plus, I have two grandmothers named [name]Anna[/name] and with [name]Elinor[/name] as my other grandmother, our daughter would essentially be named after 3 of her grandmothers.

While I still [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Cosette[/name], it surprised me how well [name]Annora[/name] fits, and even more surprising, that my husband suggested it! It may have just ousted [name]Cosette[/name] for the top slot! Perhaps [name]Cosette[/name] will accompany [name]Annora[/name] as the middle name…

Thankfully, we still have some time, so I’m going to give this some serious thought. Thanks again for the opinions!

oooh [name]Annora[/name] [name]Cosette[/name] is lovely!!

Oh, wow! I love the name [name]Annora[/name]–so pretty and unique. [name]Annora[/name] [name]Cosette[/name] is just gorgeous. I love the family connection, as well. :slight_smile:

For those of you who adore the name [name]Honora[/name], could you tell me how it is pronounced? I won’t be using it, as [name]Annora[/name] has the family connections, but would love to know how it is properly pronounced. I always saw it as “[name]HONOR[/name]-ah”, but it sounds like many pronounce it the same way as [name]Annora[/name], which I pronounce “An-[name]NOR[/name]-ah”.

If it weren’t for the family connection, I would consider [name]Honora[/name]; I love how it looks on paper!

[name]Hi[/name] Ryllis! (I was too lazy to type the “[name]Ama[/name],” so I’m making up for it now.) :slight_smile: I pronounce the names just as you do: [name]Honora[/name] is [name]Honor[/name]-uh to me, and [name]Annora[/name] is “An-[name]NOR[/name]-ah.”

I love both, but [name]Annora[/name] is my favorite, because I love the emphasis on the [name]NOR[/name]. Granted, [name]Honora[/name] may have the emphasis on the [name]NOR[/name], too, but for some reason, I pronounce the two differently.

Have a good night! :slight_smile:

My daughter’s name is [name]Annora[/name] [name]Desiree[/name], she is 5 months old, so I am really happy to hear that there is someone out there who loves the name as much as me! We pronounce her name [name]Ah[/name]-[name]NOR[/name]-ah, I was trying to avoid her being called [name]Ann[/name] or [name]Annie[/name], but I think that [name]Nori[/name]/Nory is too cute, her other sister is [name]Rowena[/name] and we call her Rowie or [name]Ro[/name], so I like the idea of calling them Rowie and [name]Nori[/name]:o) All the best with the birth of your child, great name choice!!!

[name]Annora[/name] [name]Cosette[/name] - different and pretty. I like it!