[name_m]Hi[/name_m] all! [name_m]Just[/name_m] wanted to ask what you think of these names.
- [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f]
- Rixénde
- Emian
- [name_f]Alleyne[/name_f]
- Theobelle
- [name_m]Graeme[/name_m]
- [name_m]Huxley[/name_m]
- [name_m]Colvin[/name_m]
- Bowes
- [name_m]Leyton[/name_m]
Ratings, rankings, comments - whatever your response, they’re are all welcome! Thank you so much!
Rixénde is intruiging - there’s something I like about it, but then again, another that I don’t (I can’t quite put my finger on why though). Theobelle is also one I’ve not come across before - interesting. It does look like simply a smoosh of [name_u]Theo[/name_u] & [name_f]Belle[/name_f] which can come across quite trendy, but I do think it has a great sound.
From the boys, the only one I don’t mind so much is [name_m]Huxley[/name_m] - I’m not too keen on the sound of the others.
I’m sorry, I really don’t like any of them.
Most of the girls I can’t even fathom how to pronounce (except Theobelle which seems try hard to me) All the boys names just are too trendy for my taste (except [name_m]Graeme[/name_m], but I dislike this spelling)
I’m a native English speaker currently living in the US and I don’t know what country you’re from, so please don’t be offended by my opinions of these are names from your culture/language.
[name_f]Hannelore[/name_f] - not a fan sorry. I’d prefer to just see [name_f]Hannah[/name_f]
Rixénde - I’m saying Rix-on-day, is that right? Its quite nice. I think I’d like to see it on a child, but not my own.
Emian -dislike it, it appears more of a boys name too
[name_f]Alleyne[/name_f] - is this, All-ey-enn? Ey as in Weigh? I think its cute! I love A names
Theobelle - very sweet, but I think I’d prefer to see Theabell is [name_u]Theo[/name_u] is the boys version of [name_f]Thea[/name_f]
[name_m]Graeme[/name_m] - its alright, a bit grandpa-ish to me
[name_m]Huxley[/name_m] - I like it! For some reason, I prefer it on a girl
[name_m]Colvin[/name_m] - I’d prefer [name_m]Calvin[/name_m]
Bowes - I like it!
[name_m]Leyton[/name_m] - [name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_m]Leyton[/name_m] - prefer [name_u]Leighton[/name_u] spelling
I like [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f], but I don’t love it. I think Rixénde looks cute, maybe as a mn? Emian is too similar to [name_m]Damian[/name_m]/[name_m]Demian[/name_m] imo, it would cause trouble. [name_f]Alleyne[/name_f], I’m not sure how to pronounce it! Like uh-lein? That sounds similar to [name_m]Alain[/name_m], if I’m not wrong. Theobelle is weird, I don’t like it.
[name_m]Graeme[/name_m] is nice… [name_m]Huxley[/name_m] is great! I love it! [name_m]Colvin[/name_m] looks like a [name_m]Calvin[/name_m]-[name_m]Colin[/name_m] mix up, I don’t like it. Bowes is ok, but I think of bowing? Idk. [name_m]Leyton[/name_m] is ok too.