I love [name]Anna[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] - so beautiful and classic, especially with your last name! My second choice is [name]Eva[/name], then [name]Laura[/name].
You have a very elegant surname that sounds good with a lot of first names. However, its length makes me want to avoid names of more than three syllables maximum, particularly given the double middle you want to use. So [name]Oriana[/name] and [name]Lavinia[/name] didn’t make my cut. [name]Etta[/name] just seemed a little too homely to go with [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley. The rest all fit reasonably well, I think, but my top favorites in order are:
[name]Coral[/name] (this isn’t traditionally one of my favorites, but I find I absolutely love it with your surname!)
[name]Anna[/name] (very common, but still lovely)
I do find that the V of [name]Eva[/name] and the F of [name]Fairchild[/name], in such close proximity, sound a little stuttery, but that need not be a dealbreaker if that name is your true favorite. With [name]Laura[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley, my mind goes straight to [name]Laura[/name] Linney – but she’s wonderful, so it’s not actually a bad association, just one you may not particularly want. [name]Philippa[/name] just hovers on the border of being too long, I think.
As first middle name is [name]Elizabeth[/name], I would avoiding a first name beginning with E, eg [name]Etta[/name] and [name]Eva[/name], which i normally love.
[name]Iris[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Pearl[/name], for sure:) [name]Laura[/name] would be my next pick, followed by [name]Anna[/name]. [name]Iris[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley sounds very classy to me. Good luck!
I think [name]Phillipa[/name], [name]Lavinia[/name], and [name]Laura[/name] are all out because of the last name alliteration, but that’s just me. Some people like alliteration. I bugs the crap out of me, personally.
Well, I think that a simple name sounds best. They are not complicated or too long. So, I voted for [name]Anna[/name] and [name]Laura[/name]. Good luck!
I voted for [name]Anna[/name], [name]Eva[/name] & [name]Iris[/name], I think all three sound fabulous with the middle names [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Pearl[/name], and go well with your last name.
[name]Oriana[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley This is lovely and has the grand feeling of your surname
[name]Anna[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley You can't go wrong with [name]Anna[/name] a beautiful English classic
[name]Coral[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley I would like to see [name]Coralie[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley
[name]Iris[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley I am not fond of [name]Iris[/name] and it seems such a harsh name next to your surname. I suggest [name]Juliet[/name].
[name]Eva[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley No definitely not English enough I think [name]Evelyn[/name] fits the combo better
[name]Philippa[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley The lovely [name]Philipa[/name] nn of [name]Pippa[/name] has to be a winner, so ladylike and British
[name]Lavinia[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley If you want a spunky name then this is it! I had an Aunty [name]Vin[/name] ([name]Lavinia[/name]) and did she fit the bill when it came to fiesty and spunky and energy. I like this one!
[name]Helen[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley I would prefer to see [name]Helena[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley much prettier and softer
[name]Etta[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley No, too nicknamey but if she was [name]Victoria[/name] it would be a Yes.
[name]Laura[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley This is really bland and doesn't [name]DO[/name] anything to the surname to say wow.
I voted [name]Anna[/name]. I am also trying to name a baby girl and [name]Anna[/name] is on our list. Can I have your surname, PLEEEASE? It is beautiful.
I think your choices are all so lovely, and I [name]LOVE[/name] the middle names, and the significance they have to you and your family. Since there are 2 mns and a double lastname, in my opinion, a shorter first would be nicest…and you have many beautiful ones on the list…I quite like [name]Anna[/name], [name]Coral[/name], [name]Etta[/name], [name]Laura[/name], [name]Helen[/name] or [name]Iris[/name] when you put it all together. You have great taste btw!
I voted for Oriana, Anna and Iris - I think those are the best matches.
Oriana Elizabeth Pearl Fairchild-Linley is indeed quite long, too long for my own personal taste, but I understand the family tradition thing very well, and I think the name sounds aristocratic and quite beautiful.
Anna and Iris are shorter, which is something of a plus in my book, and I think both are lovely and complement your surname well.
[name]Oriana[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - [name]Oriana[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley just sounds so regal and elegant! [name]Oriana[/name] is also a very unique, very beautiful name. This is my #1 choice.
[name]Anna[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - I don’t think you can go wrong with [name]Anna[/name], but to me it just doesn’t have that “sparkle” that some of your other options have.
[name]Coral[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - I just can’t like [name]Coral[/name] as a name.
[name]Iris[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - [name]Iris[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley is beautiful! I don’t like it as much as [name]Oriana[/name] but it’s still a great option.
[name]Eva[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - [name]Eva[/name] and [name]Fairchild[/name] seem to run into each other when I say it out loud, and since that’s how her name will be said most of the time, I don’t particularly like this choice.
[name]Philippa[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - [name]Phillipa[/name] and [name]Fairchild[/name] start the same, but I think there’s enough name after the initial “F” sound in [name]Phillipa[/name] to make this work. And with the nickname [name]Pippa[/name], this is my third favorite option!
[name]Lavinia[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - I suppose this works, but I just don’t like the name [name]Lavinia[/name].
[name]Helen[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - I’d prefer [name]Helena[/name], but [name]Helen[/name] works too.
[name]Etta[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - Such a sweet first name! And the entire combo works really well! Second favorite.
[name]Laura[/name] [name]Fairchild[/name]-Linley - It works, but it’s boring.
Thankyou for all the responses. [name]Eva[/name] (we say ee-va) has divided opinions then! Not a fan of [name]Cora[/name], [name]Coralie[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Evelyn[/name] and [name]Victoria[/name] but thanks for the suggestions. I do agree that [name]Helena[/name] flows better than [name]Helen[/name] but I just don’t like it as much as [name]Helen[/name]! I hate the heh-lay-na pronunciation. I just don’t think I’d get heh-len-a reliably enough around here!
babysitter, surnames aren’t really something you can change…
plum and peridot, not my surname quite yet: getting married next month so shall be then! [name]Will[/name] be a bit of a change from my current common working class version!