Thank you for some really great suggestions! It is such a weird coincidence that you happened to suggest “[name]Marjorie[/name]” which inspired the “-ie” trend. [name]Marjorie[/name] is my grandmother’s name and I combined her mother’s name “[name]Evalyn[/name]” with her name “[name]Marjorie[/name] [name]Lou[/name]” to get “Evalie [name]Lou[/name]” in honor of her.
Basically, lots of French names would work. My favorites are [name]Amelie[/name], [name]Elodie[/name], and [name]Leonie[/name]. BTW, I love the name [name]Sylvie[/name]!
Thank you for some really great suggestions! It is such a weird coincidence that you happened to suggest “[name]Marjorie[/name]” which inspired the “-ie” trend. [name]Marjorie[/name] is my grandmother’s name and I combined her mother’s name “[name]Evalyn[/name]” with her name “[name]Marjorie[/name] [name]Lou[/name]” to get “Evalie [name]Lou[/name]” in honor of her.
Thanks, again![/quote]
Oh, if you like the repetition of L and V, you might want to use [name]Ivie[/name] or [name]Valerie[/name], both of which sound excellent with Evalie and [name]Sylvie[/name] - really cute names, by the way! [name]Do[/name] your girls always go by their full names?
Thank you for some really great suggestions! It is such a weird coincidence that you happened to suggest “[name]Marjorie[/name]” which inspired the “-ie” trend. [name]Marjorie[/name] is my grandmother’s name and I combined her mother’s name “[name]Evalyn[/name]” with her name “[name]Marjorie[/name] [name]Lou[/name]” to get “Evalie [name]Lou[/name]” in honor of her.
Thanks, again![/quote]
Oh, if you like the repetition of L and V, you might want to use [name]Ivie[/name] or [name]Valerie[/name], both of which sound excellent with Evalie and [name]Sylvie[/name] - really cute names, by the way! [name]Do[/name] your girls always go by their full names?[/quote]
We call Evalie short forms like [name]Evie[/name] or [name]Eve[/name] on occasion. She calls her sister “[name]Silly[/name]” but we don’t really shorten [name]Sylvie[/name]. I may have to abandon the l’s and v’s just to get some differentiation.
Thank you! Evalie was a quasi family name, but I really searched for [name]Sylvie[/name]. Her full name is [name]Sylvie[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name]-pretty French! I love, love, love [name]Elodie[/name]. I am just afraid to use it with Evalie. eh-va-lee and eh-lo-dee just seem too close. [name]Do[/name] you think so? [name]Amelie[/name] was on my list for [name]Sylvie[/name]. [name]Leonie[/name] is one I hadn’t considered before. Thanks!