opinions, please!

our boy names are sorted, but time is ticking and we haven’t narrowed down a girls list. because we’d like to keep the name a total surprise, i haven’t really solicited advice from friends or family and i feel like i’m in a bubble – i don’t want to overlook something dreadful and have it pointed out after the kid is born and named! so, please help me, ladies (and gents, if there are any).

we’ve got two lists, one for potential first names and one for middles. ALL are either family names or names with very special significance to us; we’re not much for random name selection just because it sounds nice (though that works great for some!).

frances/france (family)
prairie (special)
harriet (special)
golda (family)
zelda (family)
lisle (special)

doon (family)
josephine (family)
helen/helene (family)
bee (family)
magnolia (special)
magdalen (special)
charles (family)

we’re open to crossovers except in a few cases (we don’t want doon or bee in the first position), so if you’d like to mix it up, please do. i’m somewhat open to new name suggestions, but will honestly probably not use them.
names that are sadly out due to other close family/friends using them: hazel, frida, beatrice (best friend’s DOG – so sad), clementine and anything that starts with lou/lu.
we also like double middles and would like a balance of family names and non-family names, so if you can think of any good combos, throw 'em out there!

thanks so much.

[name]Frances[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Golda[/name] [name]Doon[/name]
[name]Frances[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name]
[name]Harriet[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
thats all I could think of…


I really like the sound of [name]Prairie[/name] [name]Josephine[/name], especially if you have a simple or short last name. Would you consider [name]Magdalena[/name]? I personally think the ‘a’ ending makes it a bit more elegant, and I think (again if your last name is short / simple) it could work with both a short and long middle name (as in two middles). [name]Magdalena[/name] [name]Doon[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] for example. [name]Hope[/name] this helps!

:slight_smile: [name]Rosa[/name]

frances/france (family)
prairie (special)
harriet (special)
golda (family)
zelda (family)
lisle (special)

doon (family)
josephine (family)
helen/helene (family)
bee (family)
magnolia (special)
magdalen (special)
charles (family)

[name]Frances[/name] [name]Doon[/name]
[name]Lisle[/name] [name]Helene[/name]
[name]Josephine[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Frances[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name]
[name]Harriet[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Bee[/name]

sorry, i should add – my name is neither short nor simple. it’s rather long, french and starts with L… and is not very hard to figure out. : )

[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Bee[/name]! [name]Love[/name] it! :slight_smile:

[name]Frances[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Frances[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name]
[name]Frances[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Prairie[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Bee[/name] (although this is probably too much nature in one name…)
[name]Prairie[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Charles[/name]
[name]Prairie[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Prairie[/name] [name]Helen[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name]
[name]Harriet[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Charles[/name]
[name]Harriet[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Doon[/name]
[name]Golda[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name] [name]Charles[/name]
[name]Golda[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name] [name]Charles[/name]
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Lisle[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Lisle[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Bee[/name]

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Hello, I think that [name]Prairie[/name] [name]Helene[/name] sounds so great. It is so unique and is actually very stunning. I Also was thinking that [name]Prairie[/name] could go with bee or doon but I out those 2 together and it did’t seem quite right!

[quote=“lejeunesse”]our boy names are sorted, but time is ticking and we haven’t narrowed down a girls list. because we’d like to keep the name a total surprise, i haven’t really solicited advice from friends or family and i feel like i’m in a bubble – i don’t want to overlook something dreadful and have it pointed out after the kid is born and named! so, please help me, ladies (and gents, if there are any).

we’ve got two lists, one for potential first names and one for middles. ALL are either family names or names with very special significance to us; we’re not much for random name selection just because it sounds nice (though that works great for some!).

frances/france (family) - love
prairie (special)
harriet (special) - I’m starting to love this name
golda (family)
zelda (family)
lisle (special) - how do you pronounce it?

doon (family)
josephine (family) - love
helen/helene (family) - love
bee (family) - I’m biased against it because I am allergic to bees
magnolia (special) - love
magdalen (special) - love
charles (family) - love

[name]Frances[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name]
[name]Lisle[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Harriet[/name] [name]Charles[/name]
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Doon[/name]
I like another poster’s idea of [name]Prairie[/name] [name]Bee[/name].

thanks so much for your suggestions, everybody! there are some really great combos that i hadn’t thought of.
as for magdalena, which is a beautiful name: i’d love to use it, but with my last name it’s a little too… can can girl or something.
also, lisle is pronounced lyle, just a different spelling.
i’m (pleasantly!) surprised that nobody’s said anything like ugh, please don’t do this to your kid!
keep 'em coming if you think of any more.
thanks again!

I’m surprised no one has said anything like that, too. But I think it’s because all of your names, while unusual, are really cute! I especially like [name]Golda[/name]!

[name]Golda[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Bee[/name]- I love this a lot
[name]Golda[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Prairie[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Prairie[/name] [name]Helene[/name]
[name]Prairie[/name] [name]Doon[/name]
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name]
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Helene[/name]
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] (very jazzy)
[name]Frances[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Frances[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name]

I love [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Bee[/name] as a middle name with all your first names (except [name]Prairie[/name], too nature-y, as someone already said)

the only ones I like are…
[name]Harriet[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] nn [name]Hattie[/name]
[name]Frances[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]/[name]Helen[/name] (possible nn [name]Francie[/name])

[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Bee[/name] is both jazzy and adorable. [name]Bee[/name] is one of my nicknames and I would love to use it as a middle name for our little girl, but our last name starts with a “bee” sound.

About [name]Zelda[/name]: Does the “[name]Legend[/name] of [name]Zelda[/name]” connotation bother you at all? My husband and I are considering this name. He said no one thinks of that anymore, but when I looked up the name on this site that was the first thing it said!

I think of the “[name]Legend[/name] of [name]Zelda[/name]” (but my husband is a self-proclaimed “nerd” LOL) but it honestly doesn’t “bother” me in any way.

i think the legend of zelda connotation is harmless. it’s not like naming your twins mario and luigi, which i’m sure someone has.
my feeling is that every name has some kind of weird connection and as long as you’re aware of it and it’s not horribly unflattering, it’s not a big deal.

[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Josephine[/name], love this one
[name]Josephine[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Frances[/name] [name]Bee[/name]
[name]Francesca[/name] [name]Bee[/name] a spin on frances #1 I love this one!!

I love [name]Frances[/name] [name]Bee[/name] and Prarie [name]Josephine[/name] or [name]Doon[/name]. [name]Golda[/name] and [name]Zelda[/name] are my least favorite. Otherwise, you have very pretty names. Good luck!

Here’s another vote for [name]Golda[/name]” [name]Golda[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Bee[/name] is cute but a little too cutesy/sweet for me. I like [name]Golda[/name] [name]Magdalen[/name] a lot!

lejeunesse wrote:
our boy names are sorted, but time is ticking and we haven’t narrowed down a girls list. because we’d like to keep the name a total surprise, i haven’t really solicited advice from friends or family and i feel like i’m in a bubble – i don’t want to overlook something dreadful and have it pointed out after the kid is born and named! so, please help me, ladies (and gents, if there are any).

we’ve got two lists, one for potential first names and one for middles. ALL are either family names or names with very special significance to us; we’re not much for random name selection just because it sounds nice (though that works great for some!).

frances/france (family)
prairie (special)
harriet (special)
golda (family)
zelda (family)
lisle (special)

doon (family)
josephine (family)
helen/helene (family)
bee (family)
magnolia (special)
magdalen (special)
charles (family)

we’re open to crossovers except in a few cases (we don’t want doon or bee in the first position), so if you’d like to mix it up, please do. i’m somewhat open to new name suggestions, but will honestly probably not use them.
names that are sadly out due to other close family/friends using them: hazel, frida, beatrice (best friend’s DOG – so sad), clementine and anything that starts with lou/lu.
we also like double middles and would like a balance of family names and non-family names, so if you can think of any good combos, throw 'em out there!

thanks so much.

My favorites are

[name]Helen[/name] [name]Francis[/name] - I like the way the “l” in [name]Helen[/name] plays off your last name

[name]Josephine[/name] [name]Charles[/name] (or [name]Josey[/name])
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Doon[/name]

I do have a couple of “thoughts” on some of the names…just my opinion, but you asked for honesty so…

I think [name]Prairie[/name] will get a lot of raised eyebrows and might be confused by people when you say it as “[name]Carrie[/name], [name]Shari[/name], etc.” like they didnt hear it correctly

On [name]Lisle[/name], before you specified the pronunciation, I saw it as “[name]Lee[/name] sle”, so I think that might get mispronounced often

and [name]Bee[/name], when used as a middle name, sounds more like a word than a name to me, when saying the first, middle and last names together.

I think all your choices are great since they are family/special names to you! Good [name]Luck[/name]!