Original Name Generator?

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] All!

I was a huge fan of the older version of Nameberry’s name generator/finder, and I think it was the best one on the internet. It was the one where you input about 10 names of your own choosing and it gave you a selection (of maybe about 100?) different names that had similar vibes or sounds to the ones you gave. I loved how you could always get different options by changing up which names you inputted, and I found that it was so accurate to my taste. I think it was so unique and was the one I always turned to.

I understand that a lot of people really love the new name generator, but after giving it a few tries, I just don’t think it is personally for me. I much preferred putting my own names in as the original ‘tastes list’ rather than voting from the selection this new one gives, as none of the names it seems to be giving me are actual names I love and would use, meaning the suggestions aren’t very accurate for me. I have a very all over the place taste in names, so I don’t think I can really be sorted into one ‘type’ as this new generator does.

I’m not asking for a full recall and return to the old generator. This new one is very nice and from my research has made a lot of people really happy, which makes me really happy! I’m glad that people find it useful and have been able to name their babies names that they love because of it. However, I personally just preferred the old version. So I’m just wondering if it is possible to access this old one, or if someone could suggest something similar where you get to create the base list of names the algorithm works off of.

Thank you so much!


The new Name DNA feature was meant to be a replacement to the Namehunter feature. The admin are going to update and bring back the Namehunter feature in the future, but there is no date as to when this will be happening yet.


It will possibly be back at some point. The new tool has a vastly different purpose and it’s not a replacement.

This is what katinka said earlier


Thanks for your comment, [name_f]Saffron[/name_f] (amazing name!)

As others have said, the new tool really does have a slightly different function and we recognise that the old one still has its place, so we do intend to reintroduce it at some point. There is always a long to do list and we’re a small team, so please bear with us!


Oh wow, thank you for the quick response! I’m glad to know that there may be some plans to bring back Namehunter, fingers crossed we’ll get some news on that soon.


Thank you so much katinka! What an amazingingly quick response. It makes me so happy to know that we may get a version of Namehunter back in the future. And of course, take all the time that is needed. I really applaud the work of the Nameberry team, you guys truly run an amazing site on here!

And thank you! Both of the names [name_f]Saffron[/name_f] and [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] come from the Key to Rondo series by [name_f]Emily[/name_f] Rodda.


I had been searching for other forum posts, because I knew I couldn’t have been the only one who loved Namehunter, but I couldn’t find them, so thank you for the link and info!

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Came on here to add my input that I also greatly miss the old name generator and would love to see its return. It truly made this site stand out from the rest when I got started with online name searching. With time I really came to love the blogs and the forum too but from time to time I still miss that old name generator.


I prefered the older one, too. The name DNA doesn’t seem to find names I like


Same. The Charmer-Star result is interesting, but I don’t like the names it’s generating.


So sad we lost the name generator… The new one only had one name I liked to generate from. That was the best name discovery tool I have ever used. Please bring back your magic.


[name_m]Just[/name_m] resurfacing this question.

I really liked the concept of the namehunter name generator and would love to see it (or something very similar) return to nameberry.

I know about the name dna analysis, but i doesn’t really give me names to my style.

I also know when searching a name you can see the ‘20 similar names’, but sometimes the suggestions are just for the same gender and I might be looking for the opposite.

[name_m]Just[/name_m] wondering if there is any further information on this? (Even if it’s just to say it won’t be returning)

I honestly don’t know, @WannabeAunty. I will ask about this again.



I’ve been a daily nameberry reader for over ten years now, and here I am having my first boy after 4 girls and I desperately wish I had the namehunter tool to turn to for inspiration! I used to play with it all. the. time. when I was expecting or dreaming or planning or chatting with other people about their baby names… The new DNA thing takes forever and doesn’t seem to suggest names remotely in the ballpark of what I’m looking for. I love names and pinpointing name styles, but the DNA tool I just do not get. [name_u]Or[/name_u] it doesn’t get me. I don’t know, and I don’t like it. [name_u]Truly[/name_u], the namehunter was the coolest feature, and far more useful than this other thing. Please bring it back.

(Just needed to voice this opinion somewhere after searching to find out what happened to it!)


[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there, just wanted to resurface this question.

I’m glad I am not the only one who misses the old name generator. It was so, so helpful, and it was often right on the mark. The new one is never able to find anything I’m looking for, plus it takes longer.

Any news on when the old one will be reintroduced, @katinka?

Thank you

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[name_m]Hi[/name_m], [name_m]Just[/name_m] wanted to bump this topic one more time—any update on the original name generator?
