Orville or Orwell?

See the results of this poll: Orville or Orwell?

Respondents: 27 (This poll is closed)

  • Orville : 10 (37%)
  • Orwell: 17 (63%)

I like both, but Orwell is so cool! Had to pick him :slight_smile:

Orwell, for sure. [name_m]Orville[/name_m] is a bit too Redenbacher.

Loving Orwell!!

Orwell!! I prefer the literary vibe and softer sounds

There’s a character/ puppet in the UK called [name_m]Orville[/name_m] the Duck so that’s my association but if you don’t live in the UK it’s not a problem, but I prefer Orwell, it has the uniqueness of [name_m]George[/name_m] Orwell and how much politics he had within his works. Orwell is a beautiful name with literary coolness!

I prefer Orwell, love the nickname [name_m]Wells[/name_m].

[name_m]Orville[/name_m] is easier for me to say

Thanks for your feedback, all! I’m still leaning towards [name_m]Orville[/name_m]. Does anyone have any combinations or sibset suggestions?