Well? What do you think of this name? I have been thinking of using this as a FN or a middle name.
I love it. [name]Don[/name]'t know if I could use it myself but I love it.
Cool name, cool game, very tragic/problematic Shakespearean character. I’d stick to middle myself. Or, I think it’s a variant of [name]Otto[/name]? Maybe [name]Otto[/name] nn [name]Othello[/name]/[name]Otello[/name]? [name]Even[/name] just [name]Otello[/name] for the first name option is better to me - still cool and gets a little more distance from “the jealous [name]Moor[/name]”.
I agree with this.
I was instantly intrigued because I absolutely adore Shakespeare, and I liked the instant Shakespearean connection, but after I placed the name with the story, it was a no for me, too. The story is really tragic.
I agree with pp. [name]Otto[/name] with the occasional nn of [name]Othello[/name], or either in the mn slot would be good. I knew a little guy named [name]Otto[/name], I thought it was adorable. I think [name]Othello[/name] is too attached to the Shakespearean tragedy to stick on a kid full time.