Our "A" Favorites

[name]Aaron[/name] Hebrew: Mountian
[name]Abner[/name] Hebrew: The Father is a light (nn [name]Abe[/name])
[name]Abraham[/name] Hebrew: Father of many nations (nn [name]Abe[/name])
Abrahan Hebrew: Father of a mighty nation Jewish form of [name]Abraham[/name]. (nn [name]Abe[/name], Han and [name]Hans[/name])
[name]Alex[/name] Greek: Defender (Our last name ends in Er so we want to avoid [name]Alexander[/name] not that we don’t love it.)
[name]Andrew[/name] Greek: [name]Man[/name] ([name]Andy[/name])
[name]Arthur[/name] Gaelic: [name]Bear[/name], stone ([name]Art[/name], [name]Arty[/name]/[name]Artie[/name]?)
[name]Asa[/name] Hebrew: Healer


Did you want opinions on these? Or suggestions? It’s a little fuzzy…

  • [name]Charlie[/name]

We want opinions.

[name]Aaron[/name] Hebrew: Mountian- [name]Aaron[/name] feels a little dated to me. I like some of your other names better.

[name]Abner[/name] Hebrew: The Father is a light (nn [name]Abe[/name])- I prefer [name]Abraham[/name] to get the nn [name]Abe[/name].

[name]Abraham[/name] Hebrew: Father of many nations (nn [name]Abe[/name])- [name]Love[/name]!

Abrahan Hebrew: Father of a mighty nation Jewish form of [name]Abraham[/name]. (nn [name]Abe[/name], Han and [name]Hans[/name])- I prefer [name]Abraham[/name] though Abrahan is nice too…

[name]Adrian[/name]- I love [name]Adrian[/name]!

[name]Alex[/name] Greek: Defender (Our last name ends in Er so we want to avoid [name]Alexander[/name] not that we don’t love it.)- I can’t bring myself to like [name]Alex[/name] alone because it’s still so ingrained as a nn for me…

[name]Andrew[/name] Greek: [name]Man[/name] ([name]Andy[/name])- [name]Love[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]!

[name]Arthur[/name] Gaelic: [name]Bear[/name], stone ([name]Art[/name], [name]Arty[/name]/[name]Artie[/name]?)- [name]LOVE[/name], [name]LOVE[/name], [name]LOVE[/name]! Especially with the nn [name]Artie[/name].

[name]Asa[/name] Hebrew: Healer- Feels very feminine to me, especially now that [name]Ava[/name] is so popular.

So my favorites, in this order, are [name]Arthur[/name], [name]Andrew[/name], [name]Adrian[/name] and then [name]Abraham[/name].

Okay, opinions I can give!

[name]Aaron[/name] - [name]Love[/name] [name]Aaron[/name], always sounded strong and distinguished.

[name]Abner[/name] - Not really a fan. All I can hear is ‘ab’ which makes me think of abs and then exercise machines (I know, my brains a little funny:)

[name]Abraham[/name] - Definitely distinctive. I can appreciate [name]Abraham[/name] but can’t quite get behind it for some reason.

Abrahan - I actually really like this one! More than [name]Abraham[/name] definitely, it just sounds more modern and fresh to me. Very handsome:)

[name]Adrian[/name] - A little plain and dated to me but a fine name none-the-less.

[name]Alex[/name] - [name]Love[/name] as a nn. I see your [name]Alexander[/name] problem so how about [name]Alexis[/name], [name]Alexei[/name] or [name]Alexandros[/name]?

[name]Andrew[/name] - [name]Love[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]. Some handsome but down to [name]Earth[/name] and friendly. A definite favourite:)

[name]Arthur[/name] - [name]Love[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] too! So creative and has the cutest nn [name]Artie[/name]:slight_smile:

[name]Asa[/name] - Not a fan, too similar to [name]Asia[/name] for me.

So my favourites are [name]Andrew[/name], [name]Arthur[/name], Abrahan and [name]Aaron[/name].

Good [name]Luck[/name]!

  • [name]Charlie[/name]