Our Final Names (Just Sharing!)

We’re done! These are the five names we’ll take with us to the hospital in five weeks (!!!). I haven’t quite decided on Hespera, so opinions would be greatly appreciated. [name]Do[/name] these names seem ok, or are there any obvious glaring mistakes I’ve made I can’t see through my pregnancy brain?

[name]Circe[/name] [name]Olwen[/name] Tinuviel
[name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name]
Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] or Hespera Belphoebe [name]Arden[/name]?
Illyria [name]Charis[/name] Terpsichore
[name]Morgana[/name] [name]Waverly[/name] [name]Zephyrine[/name]

And a big big big thank you to everyone who’s helped us and shared their opinions over the last few months, you’re all stars! It’s great to be done with this so I can relax more. Thank you!

Congratulations! They’re all gorgeous combos. I like both of the Hespera ones but slightly prefer Hespera Belphoebe [name]Arden[/name].

Also, I’m reading The Faerie Queene right now and I love your avatar.

Ooh such beautiful choices! Congratulations!!

My favorites are Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] and [name]Morgana[/name] [name]Waverly[/name] [name]Zephyrine[/name].

What great names! I really like Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name]! I think the Roselaine is amazingly poetic and softens up both Hespera and [name]Arden[/name], but without being boring. I dislike Belphoebe because it stresses the same syllable as Hespera. Hes-[name]PER[/name]-a [name]Bel[/name]-PHOE-be, and I personally think it messes with the flow. Unless I’m totally pronouncing them wrong haha! I really dislike [name]Morgana[/name] [name]Waverly[/name] [name]Zephyrine[/name] though. [name]Both[/name] [name]Morgana[/name] and [name]Waverly[/name] scream WIZARDS ([name]Morgana[/name] from the show “[name]Merlin[/name]” and “Wizards of [name]Waverly[/name] Place,”) which makes it seem juvenile and insubstantial to me. My vote definitely goes to Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] :slight_smile:

Oh they’re all so amazing! Of the Hespera ones, I too prefer Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name]. Beautiful! I can’t decide - good luck to you :slight_smile: I guess you’ll just have to see which one [name]Baby[/name] looks like (and you may end up with a boy anyway, but I’m really hoping for a girl after seeing this list)!

Those are five stunning choices. I can’t wait to know what masterpiece you bestow upon your little one when he/she is born! :slight_smile:

I prefer Hespera Belphoebe [name]Arden[/name].

Gasp! [name]Circe[/name] [name]Olwen[/name] Tinuviel?? Otter, that is [name]MAGIC[/name]!

I love both Hespera’s, but I love Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] more. The imagery of luscious gardens in the rosy glow of twilight with just those first few brilliant stars twinkling out into the sky is just impossible to resist.

They’re all so unbelievably enchantingly perfect, each one a work of art! You are going to have one lucky baby, Otter dear!

Congratulations! I love [name]Fiammetta[/name], [name]Morgana[/name], and Illyria for you, but [name]Morgana[/name] [name]Waverly[/name] [name]Zephyrine[/name] is by far my favorite combo. [name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name] is pretty amazing, too, though.

Good luck!

Oooh [name]Ottilie[/name], I can’t wait til you make your final decision when baby gets here! I love your girls names, they are always so magical and full of the greatest imagery. You need an army of little girls simply to name them!

[name]Circe[/name] [name]Olwen[/name] Tinuviel - If she can’t be [name]Fiammetta[/name] let her be [name]Circe[/name]!!! Absolutely adore this combo of yours!
[name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name] - This is my absolute love for you!! I adore [name]Fiammetta[/name] and hope it’s your final choice!!!
Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] - I would pick this of the two, something about it just speaks to me, it’s absolutely lovely.

Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] and [name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name] are the standouts for me.

Fabulous job, ottilie. Your baby is going to have a simply stunning name no matter which you choose in the end!

They are all so wonderful! My favorites are [name]Circe[/name] [name]Olwen[/name] Tinuviel, and [name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name]! I also like Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] :slight_smile:

WOW. [name]JUST[/name] WOW.

These are incredibly beautiful names! I can’t wait to see what you pick! It seems like each name would fit a very different tempered baby though, so it’s good you are taking 5 names to the hospital… My thoughts on my top three choices of your names:

[name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name] [This is absolutely gorgeous! #1 pick… I imagine a baby with sparkling eyes and a feisty personality]
Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] [I love this and prefer Roselaine in the middle… seems like it would fit a sweet loving baby]
[name]Morgana[/name] [name]Waverly[/name] [name]Zephyrine[/name] [I really love this name…it seems like it would fit a tranquil and peaceful baby]

My thoughts exactly!

[name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name] is my favorite :slight_smile:

I adore [name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name]! What a stunning combo!! Out of your Hespera combos, I like Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] best. Congratulations and warmest wishes, ottilie!

I love the [name]Fiammetta[/name] and Illyria combinations, and think Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] is lovely.

[name]Circe[/name], imo, is a little [name]OTT[/name]. It’s three mythological names in one. I think it needs to be toned down a bit (does this pass the Boyfriend test?)

Perhaps [name]Circe[/name] [name]Olwen[/name] [name]Constance[/name], [name]Circe[/name] [name]Constance[/name] Tinuviel, [name]Circe[/name] Tinuviel [name]Claire[/name]?

[name]Waverly[/name] is simply not my cup of tea but I am definitely in the minority, judging by others’ reactions, so I’m glad you love it.

Congratulations again-- so very close!

Please have 5 daughters so that all of these beautiful names can be used.

I really do like them all very much but am partial to Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] and [name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name], just stunningly beautiful. [name]Olwen[/name] is a name I also adore and am happy to see tucked in your list.

Hooray for having such gems of names ready to go!

Your names are poetry, ottilie. [name]Truly[/name].

I think I will always be biased towards your Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] - she sounds like a star shining in the sky at dusk or possibly the last drop of dew clinging to a rose at the stroke of dawn. If you’ve ever read [name]Anne[/name] of [name]Green[/name] Gables, she reminds me of what I remember of this chapter (Anne of Avonlea: Chapter XIII -- A Golden Picnic).

I really love [name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name]. Your [name]Morgana[/name] combo is gorgeous, and I prefer Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name].

Can’t wait to see what your little one will be named!

[name]Ottilie[/name], they are just perfect!!! I can hardly believe you’ve got only 5 more weeks to go… It honestly seems like just yesterday that you made your announcement and I was captivated by all of your lovely mythological choices. I’m sure this seems silly, and admittedly I have become way too invested in the name of your child, but I simply cannot help how happy it has made me to watch you and Boyfriend’s gorgeous list of names grow and evolve. There is no doubt that this will be the luckiest, and most well-named child in [name]London[/name]! Discussing all of the beautiful suggestions you’ve gotten along the way with these wonderful Berries has been amazing (and oftentimes amusing) as well. I am so grateful that you’ve let me share a part of your decision making journey, it has been an incredibly rewarding and magical experience. I can’t wait to see the stunning boy combos which I’m sure will turn out to be just as heavenly. =]

Still not huge on [name]Circe[/name], but I am incredibly glad to see that Tinuviel ended up with a fixed spot. She was an original favorite.

Likewise, Illyria is so pretty, and would make an exceptional first name, but (just for me) the entire combo is not my top pick.

*[name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Noor[/name] is just absolutely breathtaking. I fell for this name the first time you mentioned her and it’s been great to see her transition from cutesy semi-possibility to this mature and glittery combo that is fire and light and emotion personified.

*Hespera Roselaine [name]Arden[/name] is still my favorite of these choices, I just think it combines two great names while only improving the overall imagery. Hespera herself was only a personal ‘maybe’ for a good while, but now this combo has quickly shot up to top my list.

*[name]Morgana[/name] [name]Waverly[/name] [name]Zephyrine[/name]- sweet, sassy, cheerful, serious, lovely, I really do adore her. I was definitely a naysayer for [name]Morgana[/name] at first, but I sincerely take it all back. This combo is enchanting, and the image I have of this child is so profoundly adorable in my mind.