our little man is here!

Our little man made an early appearance at 34 weeks on 2/22 and looking nothing like we had expected him to look. We really didn’t know what to name him and at the last minute named him [name]Jesse[/name] [name]Campbell[/name] P., only to sleep on it and decide that wasn’t supposed to be his name at all! We had to track the birth certificate lady down at the hospital and beg her to not send in the birth certificate application. She gave us 48 hours to decide. In the end we named him [name]Beckett[/name] Risk P., which wasn’t on our final lists at all but it was the only name that fit him! It has been almost 2 weeks and I think we made the right choice. He is doing great and hopefully will be released from the NICU in the next couple of days!

Thank you all for your help during this pregnancy. I still can’t believe he didn’t fit the names we had picked out for him!

Congratulations! [name]Beckett[/name] Risk is very cool and fresh. I can imagine the surprise you felt when he looked so different than you’d expected! I’m glad you were still able to find the perfect name for him though. Good luck with bringing the little prince home!

Congratulations!!! [name]Beckett[/name] Risk is a very cool name!

Congratulations! I love [name]Beckett[/name] Risk! Are you planning to call him [name]Beck[/name]?

Congratulations so pleased that you persuaded the lady not to send in the form so you could be sure of giving him the right name.

Congratulations! [name]Beckett[/name] Risk is a great name, and it sounds wonderful with [name]Dash[/name]!

Congrats to you on the safe arrival of your son, [name]Beckett[/name]. I glad he’ll be going home soon and that you found a name that suits him!

Congratulations! [name]Beckett[/name] Risk is seriously cool, and [name]Dash[/name] and [name]Beckett[/name] are so fun together!

My nephew is [name]Beckett[/name]. He is now 7, but the name suits him & is awesome. We tend to call him Becks or B-man. =) Congratulations!

Congratulations! [name]Beckett[/name] Risk is a nice modern name.

[name]Beckett[/name] is so handsome with big brother [name]Dash[/name]!