Our Next Baby

I had twins on [name]October[/name] 16th of 2012 and we are trying to find a sibling name that goes with the twins. Our son is named [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Malachi[/name] and our daughter is named [name]Brennah[/name] [name]Natalie[/name], for some reason we just cant find a name that goes with the twins, can anybody help us out?

[name]Emmett[/name], [name]Brennah[/name] and brother…


[name]Emmett[/name], [name]Brennah[/name] and sister…


like [name]Russell[/name] , and [name]Allison[/name] … Keeps the double letters !!

yeh…I like to keep the double letters…so nice call…I am just looking for a first and middle name combination that sound good with [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Malachi[/name] and [name]Brennah[/name] [name]Natalie[/name], but I love what everybody has said so far…thx for the help…but I am still looking… :slight_smile:

What do all of you think of [name]Kendall[/name] Adelline (Addelynn) (Addelyne) ([name]Adelynne[/name]) (Adelyne) (Adilynne)
the parentheses is just other ways to spell the middle name. This is my girl name idea, I will be back at sometime with the boy.

Thank You TO All