Our someday son's name...

We are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia. We have a long while, but because I’m a name lover I’m already looking. We want to keep his given name as his middle name to preserve his culture and heritage, but can you help me out with firsts? Here are some we like:

[name]Isaac[/name] (too common?)
[name]Lachlan[/name] (Lach for short)

I also love [name]Dane[/name] and [name]Hudson[/name] by my husband isn’t as keen on those. He also likes [name]Maximus[/name] and I’m not fond of that one…

We already have 2 biological children - [name]Cade[/name] [name]Johann[/name] and [name]Anya[/name] [name]Evangeline[/name]… what flows with those?

I like [name]Ezra[/name] the best with your other children’s names, followed by [name]Isaac[/name].

[name]Isaac[/name] or [name]Ivan[/name]

[name]Ezra[/name], [name]Ivan[/name] and [name]Lachlan[/name] all sound good with [name]Cade[/name] and [name]Anya[/name]. [name]Ivan[/name] is the best match, imo, but [name]Lachlan[/name] is my favorite of the three.

I love [name]Lachlan[/name] with [name]Cade[/name] and [name]Anya[/name], I wouldn’t normally picture them together but they sound just lovely to my ears. I think it’s because they’re all distinct but classic-ish. I also like [name]Isaac[/name].

What about [name]Gavin[/name] or [name]Seth[/name]? I think they would both sound good with [name]Anya[/name] and [name]Cade[/name]. :slight_smile: Good luck!

I love [name]Isaac[/name]!! My second fave is [name]Ezra[/name]. Good luck!

I like [name]Asher[/name] best, followed by [name]Ezra[/name] and [name]Ivan[/name].

Congrats on your upcoming adoption from Ethiopia. How exciting for you and your family. Here are the names that I think work best with Cade and Anya.

1 Isaac (No# 39 in popularity last year in the US which means only about 9,254 boys were named this Biblical classic. It’s such a timeless name that I wouldn’t worry about popularity. It only went up one place too so it’s pretty stable. This name is strong, masculine and comes equipped with the cool nn of Ike. Some names just stand the test of time and Isaac is one of them. :slight_smile:
2 Ivan - I love this Russian version of John. The only issue: Johann is German for John and it’s Cade’s middle name).
3 Asher or Ezra (if you don’t mind that Ezra has the same ending as Anya and that Asher has the same initial).

I’m not feeling the names Cannon, Grayson and Lachlan for your Ethiopian-born son. I think something more traditional (eg. the three names above) and less trendy are better for this special boy. My favorites are Isaac and Ivan. Good luck!

I love [name]Ivan[/name] and [name]Cannon[/name]!

Thanks everyone! I noticed no one mentioned the name [name]Tyge[/name]… is that because you’re indifferent or because you hate it?

Is [name]Tyge[/name] pronounced “Teeg” ??? If so, I do like it but I think it is just too hard to know how it is pronounced. Otherwise is the g silent as “[name]Ty[/name]”??

I would avid [name]Dane[/name], as that makes me think of Danish, which an Etheopian child is not :slight_smile: I also don’t love the idea of [name]Grayson[/name] for you.

I think my favorite of your names is [name]Cannon[/name], though [name]Ezra[/name] and [name]Isaac[/name] are great too.

I wish you the best in your adoption process!

[name]Tyge[/name] is pronounced like [name]Tiger[/name] but with no er. I’ve known two people with it - one was spelled [name]Tyghe[/name], but both pronounced with the long i like that. Okay, good to know it might cause confusion. I’m with you on [name]Dane[/name]… feeling the same thing about [name]Lachlan[/name].


Things like [name]Lachlan[/name], [name]Greyson[/name], [name]Cannon[/name], and [name]Dane[/name] are too mainstream. [name]Tyge[/name] seems to me like a teasing point since he comes from an African country. Also, personally I think it’s a hideous name. Really made up looking. I think he needs something worldly. Off your list I think [name]Isaac[/name] would fit him best. Maybe you could also consider:


I love these names…
[name]Hudson[/name]- I think [name]Hudson[/name] would flow the best!
The others are great names just not a fan. Good luck!