Our son was born! Our final decision

Our little guy was born a couple days ago: [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Michael[/name], nn [name]Theo[/name]!

We had it down to [name]Huxley[/name] ([name]Huck[/name]), [name]Theodore[/name] ([name]Theo[/name]), or [name]Declan[/name]. We were leaning pretty heavily toward [name]Huxley[/name], but once we saw him, we thought he was definitely a little [name]Theo[/name]. We’re really happy with the name, and we’ve gotten a nice reception from everyone. He’s a little brother to [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name].

Thanks for all the help in making our decision!!

Very handsome! Congratulations!

Congratulations! I thihkn[name]Theodore[/name] [name]Michael[/name] is both very handsome and a great pairing with his sister’s name, far more so than [name]Huxley[/name].

Perhaps consider cross-posting in the birth announcements forum.

I love the name [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Michael[/name]! Congratulations!

Oh, thanks [name]Blade[/name]–I didn’t realize that existed!

Congratulations! [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Michael[/name] is handsome, and [name]Caroline[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] are perfect together!

All the best!

[name]Love[/name] it! Congratulations!

I adore [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Michael[/name]! Especially with his big sister.

Congratulations! And the names are wonderful.

[name]Theo[/name] is a favorite! Gorgeous! Congratulations.

Sweet name- great with [name]Caroline[/name]. Congratulations!

[name]One[/name] of my favorites! And so perfect with sweet [name]Caroline[/name]. :slight_smile: Congratulations!

Congratulations! What nice common names! :slight_smile: