Our Sweet Boy

After much anticipation we welcomed our sweet boy, [name]Rivers[/name] [name]Boyd[/name], [name]June[/name] 30 at 10:52 PM. Weighing in at 7 lbs 3 oz and 18 1/2 inches (pretty small considering I was 42w 2d!) We’re totally smitten with him.

Congratulations! I like the name [name]Rivers[/name]. I checked your posts to see if I could find your naming story, and I saw [name]Rivers[/name] was on your first name list and [name]Boyd[/name] on your middle name list at least since [name]April[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you mind sharing the story of this name? I think [name]River[/name] is the only name I like equally well on boys and girls, and so for that reason I probably wouldn’t use it; but [name]Rivers[/name], maybe because the ‘s’ lends it surname status, shades the name more blue, somehow.
Congratulations on a healthy baby boy and a handsome name choice! Best wishes.

Congrats on a nice name choice on (I’m sure) a lovely baby boy!

God bless!

[name]Love[/name] the name [name]Rivers[/name]! Congrats.

Very cool name choice! Congrats on your little guy’s arrival! My dad’s middle name is [name]Boyd[/name] and my mom has always wanted to change my middle name to match his…


Congratulations! I absolutely love [name]Rivers[/name] as a name–so much more cool than [name]River[/name], imo–and [name]Rivers[/name] [name]Boyd[/name] is a really cool combo!

All the best!

Thanks everyone!
Our naming story is probably boring. My husband & I agreed on the name Rivers when we first started dating. My husband wanted a name that was rockstar worthy and we brought up River but thought the S made the name more masculine.
Boyd is actually my maiden name so even though it is a boy’s name in this instance it’s a family name. My husband says that if our baby becomes a rockstar he can drop our last name and go by his first & middle, haha.

Sure, it could work on a rock star! I think it’s an all-around good choice, though, because [name]Rivers[/name] [name]Boyd[/name] is a cool yet distinguished-sounding name that would work for an author, artist or professor, or for a carpenter, welder or race-car driver–or a rock star!
Best wishes!

[name]Rivers[/name] [name]Boyd[/name] is really handsome! Congrats! :slight_smile: