Overheard on the Playground

The stars aligned today and there were three other little girls at the play place in the mall today, all between ages of 15 and 18 months (and all sporting super-cute pigtails :D)! Two were named [name]Ava[/name] and [name]Lily[/name], which I probably could have predicted within 3 guesses for our area. The third, though, was named [name]Promise[/name]! It suited this little girl right down to her socks.

So, what do you think of [name]Promise[/name]?

What names have surprised you at the playground lately?

I think [name]Promise[/name] is adorable :slight_smile: I’d use it in a heartbeat.

I think it’s a little too sickly sweet for me and it doesn’t have any nn’s that I could stomach–Prom, [name]Missy[/name], [name]Prissy[/name]–I guess [name]Romy[/name], but even that :frowning:
It’s up there with [name]Lovey[/name], Dovey, Sweetpea, Kiss, Hug, Humble, etc.
I like a lot of virtue names, even some of the stranger ones, but I don’t like [name]Promise[/name].

Hahaha. It’s definitely NMS, but it worked well for her… at least as a 1.5 year old :wink: Now I’m dying to know what the little newbie brother’s name was.


Give me a minute to think.

I have the verdict! :slight_smile: Well, sort of. I really like [name]Promise[/name], and if little [name]Promise[/name] is sometimes called [name]Missy[/name], than that is officially adorable. However, there is one aspect of [name]Promise[/name] that bothers me. What if Miss [name]Promise[/name] was a liar? Or what if she never kept true to her word? This might be a bit of a challenging name in that case…

I think [name]Promise[/name] is beautiful! I could see it on a little girl definately.

Last summer when I was at the playground with my little nephew, [name]Nicholas[/name], there was a little girl there named [name]Gemma[/name]. That name really stuck in my mind and I fell in love with it!

The most interesting “playground” name I’ve ever heard is Tolkien. Seriously.

I love it! It use to be one of my favorites but for some reason I took it off.

SERIOUSLY? I hope my husband never finds this thread, or I’m in trouble! He needs no suggestions of that type :wink:

I’m very fond of [name]Gemma[/name]. I’ve only met one, very briefly, and she was an English 80’s child. I gather it was fairly popular there at the time?

Tolkien? That is awesome! I would love to meet a little Tolkien.