Padma for a Caucasian girl?

What are your thoughts on the Hindu name [name]Padma[/name] for a Caucasian girl? Is it too much or does it work?

I don’t see it working, honestly. It’s very tied to the Hindu culture.

I think that it would work. It’s sort of a modern version of [name]Patricia[/name] and [name]Pamela[/name]…it doesn’t sound super unfamiliar, I mean. I think of [name]Padma[/name] Patil from [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] :slight_smile:

I think it’s doable, I went to school with a Caucasian girl named [name]Kamala[/name] and we both had [name]Indian[/name] friends, none of them were offended but you might want to see if there’s any Hindu or [name]Indian[/name] people on Nameberry or another board for their opinions.

My parents are from [name]India[/name] (but I grew up in the UK) and I am Hindu, and I don’t exactly see it working, sorry. For me, it is very [name]Indian[/name] and while it’s not like it’s never been heard before ([name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] etc.) I really cannot picture it. Maybe it is simply because I have known [name]Indian[/name] girls called [name]Padma[/name] and it is so tied to that.

If you do choose it though, it would not be considered offensive. It is, in my opinion, a very pretty name. :slight_smile:

I think it’s too much and it makes me think of [name]Padme[/name] from [name]Star[/name] Wars.

I would think it was strange. From what I understand most Hindu names have a very sacred meaning in the Hindu culture, and it seems sort of ignorant to use a Hindu name just because it sounds good.

It’s a very hindu name, and I don’t think it would work. It’s really pretty, though.

I’m not Hindu, so I don’t know if anyone from the [name]Indian[/name] culture would be offended. I wouldn’t be offended if a Muslim chose a clearly Biblical name [name]Zebediah[/name] or [name]Ezra[/name]- it would be a little weird, but I would never say anything.
There is the [name]Star[/name] Wars AND the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] connection, so that might make it workable.

Interesting. I asked the same thing about the name [name]Priya[/name] a few months back and was hit with a chorus of “[name]DO[/name] IT!” so… honestly I think you should listen to your own heart on this one.

I think if you plan on using a name that has particular meaning in a different culture, like [name]Padma[/name], it would be best to do all the research. If you think that you can teach your child to do that meaning justice and with honor/grace than I’d say go for it. If you find that difficult I’d stay away.
It would be odd to name a Hindu child [name]Christian[/name] if you don’t want that child to embody the fundamental [name]Christian[/name] values (even if they don’t believe in [name]Jesus[/name] as their savior).

I’m [name]Indian[/name] (but I was born in [name]California[/name]) and Hindu. I don’t think it would be at all offensive. After all, so many Hindu-Indians here in the U.S. are picking Caucasian names (or nicknames) for their children.
[name]Padma[/name] literally means “lotus”. A lotus does have religious significance for Hindus. However, it can be viewed as a secular name. It is not the name as naming your child after - say a Hindu god, like [name]Lakshmi[/name] or [name]Shiva[/name]. I’d say go for it, if you really like the name.