Pairing Names with Linnea

In my husband’s true style, the name he has set his mind to on our list is also the hardest one to match with other names. [name]Don[/name]'t get me wrong, I adore the name [name]Linnea[/name] and it was a forerunner for me as well, but now it’s pretty much set in stone. (The combo will most likely be [name]Linnea[/name] [name]Jane[/name].)

That being said, I can’t seem to make it work with any of the other names that we like. It has a distinctive Scandinavian “flavor” (I guess is the right word) that is just a little exotic for our (okay, my) normal strictly English/Latin/Greek/OLD name style.

Here are some of the names we are considering:



  • top names

Any thoughts? I am very open to other names minus anything trendy (surnames/-en/misspelled). Thanks for your help!!!

My cousin named her daughter [name]Claire[/name] [name]Linea[/name] (one “n”). She’s a gorgeous little girl, so the name has good company =)

[name]Linnea[/name] does have a very distinct sound. To me it has very sharp sounds, which I actually love the sound of. One of my favorite names is [name]Iris[/name] (too matchy with [name]Linnea[/name]), which I love because of that “sharpness”. [name]Sylvia[/name] is another name that has that quality, so it’s my favorite girls name off your list. [name]Sylvia[/name] and [name]Linnea[/name] are, imo, perfect together. I also really like [name]Eliza[/name], but I feel it’s a bit too familiar with the exoticness of [name]Linnea[/name]. Of your boys names, I’d say [name]Edmund[/name] goes best with [name]Linnea[/name]. It’s uncommon and has those nice, hard sounds like [name]Linnea[/name]. Some other names you might like:



[name]Hope[/name] that helps!

I know a [name]Linnea[/name] [name]Marie[/name] - lovely.

[name]Linnea[/name] paired with [name]Sylvia[/name] and [name]Arthur[/name] are perfection!!