Paisley or Everly?

See the results of this poll: Paisley or Everly?

Respondents: 27 (This poll is closed)

  • Paisley: 11 (41%)
  • Everly: 16 (59%)

Tough. For less traditional names, they are both easy to pronounce, easy to remember, easy to say, etc. I think I like [name]Everly[/name] SLIGHTLY more, but I really do like both of them.

I really like [name]Paisley[/name]. I’m not crazy about [name]Everly[/name], although I do like [name]Ever[/name]. What are you considering for middle names?

[name]Paisley[/name] [name]Ever[/name] would be really nice!

Right now [name]Claire[/name] is the middle name. Although Dad is doesn’t care for it :stuck_out_tongue: But that will be the mn if I get my way.

[name]Paisley[/name] [name]Claire[/name] is lovely.

[name]Paisley[/name] is just a fabric to me, it sounds kinda silly as a name. [name]Everly[/name] [name]Claire[/name] is lovely though.

I don’t like either. Sorry.

I like them both but [name]Everly[/name] comes out slightly ahead.

Like them both!

First, [name]Everly[/name], and you could spell it Everleigh.
Second [name]Paisley[/name].
