Paxton or Sloane?

What do you think of [name]Paxton[/name] or [name]Sloane[/name]?

Is [name]Paxton[/name] a bit too made-up sounding? I know it is a real name, but something about it sounds created intentionally so it could fit into the [name]Jackson[/name], Braxson sound.

[name]Sloane[/name] is REALLY growing on me. Sounds a bit edgy, but not TOO crazy. He could still be a business man without people questioning his name.

I love [name]Paxton[/name]! I love that [name]Pax[/name] means “peace” and I think [name]Paxton[/name] is just so cool. I would love to meet a little [name]Paxton[/name]. :slight_smile:

[name]Sloane[/name] is cool, and I can see the appeal, but sadly my only associations with it were the uber-evil [name]Arvin[/name] [name]Sloan[/name] of Alias and all the little girls named [name]Sloane[/name] that are popping up everywhere. I used to think it was a cool, edgy boys’ name, but now I’m not so sure. :frowning: If you do use [name]Sloane[/name], I would use a strong, masculine name, like [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Theodore[/name] or [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Felix[/name], maybe? It doesn’t even have to be traditional, I don’t think, because [name]Sloane[/name] has class and staying power.

Good luck!

I just noticed that [name]Sloane[/name] was all the buzz in girls names. Ugh.

I actually am remembering it now, as a name my husband mentioned when I was pregnant with our DD. Too bad, because I really do like it. I don’t want to give the kid a name that girls have though. The less potential for teasing the better. His middle name would most likely be [name]Dominic[/name], so pretty solid and strong.

I prefer [name]Paxton[/name] of the 2, mostly because [name]Sloane[/name] does seem to be going to the girls side. If I used [name]Sloan[/name], I would spell it without the “e”. looks more masculine to me:-)

[name]Just[/name] looked on, because they offer pictures of kids with the names. I wanted to see if they were boys or girls. The website has the name listed as a male name, but then only has pictures of little girls with the name. I guess it is all girl then. : (

I really like [name]Sloan[/name] (without the -e ending). I prefer it over [name]Paxton[/name]. I wouldn’t allow’s lack of boy pictures get to you since 1) you either have to submit an image or 2) would have to allow for them to post the picture of your kid. Maybe parents with a boy named [name]Sloane[/name] just aren’t into exhibiting their son’s online as much as parents of female Sloanes.

Meh. :frowning: I just checked the full SSA lists (the ones that go beyond the state top 100 and the national top 1000), and here’s what I found:

[name]Sloan/name in my state (PA, just in case we’re both in the same state–you can check your own state on the SSA site):

[name]Sloane[/name] ranks at 556 for girls in 2011, with 19 births.
[name]Sloan[/name] ranks at 1,568 for girls in 2011, with 5 births.
[name]Sloane[/name] and [name]Sloan[/name] do not rank for boys in Pennsylvania in 2011.

[name]Sloane[/name] nationally:

[name]Sloane[/name] ranks at 511 for girls in 2011, with 570 births.
[name]Sloan[/name] ranks at 889 for girls in 2011, with 291 births.
[name]Sloan[/name] ranks at 21,367 for boys in 2011, with 73 births.
[name]Sloane[/name] ranks at 25,625 for boys in 2011, with 14 births.

So that’s what, 861 girl [name]Sloan/names in the past year, and 87 boy [name]Sloan/names in the past year. When I did the math, that averages out to 90ish% of the Sloanes were girls, and 10ish% were boys. :frowning: Personally, if I loved a unisex name, I would go for it. As you probably noticed in my signature, [name]Avery[/name] and [name]Bailey[/name] are both on my boys’ list, haha. According to my calculations, [name]Bailey[/name] has about a 5% chance of being a boy. Which I totally didn’t know until now, and I would still use [name]Bailey[/name], I adore it. It significantly dampens my enthusiasm for it, but I would still use it, if the situation was right! (I suppose it helps that [name]Bailey[/name] was used an itty bit more in my state than last year, and it seems to be waning a bit for girls!) I’d be much more likely to use [name]Avery[/name], though, as it’s a family name and the average is more like 1 out of every 4 Averys is likely to be a boy. :slight_smile:

But [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] is so handsome, and [name]Sloane[/name] is relatively obscure as it is, I would think you could use it for a boy and there wouldn’t be too much confusion. What’s your daughter’s name, may I ask? If she’s something like [name]Grier[/name] or [name]Avery[/name] or [name]Reese[/name], I would definitely go for [name]Paxton[/name], but if she’s something like [name]Louisa[/name], [name]Anna[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Felicity[/name], [name]Hannah[/name], [name]Isabel[/name], or [name]Jane[/name], I think you could definitely get away with [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Dominic[/name]. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

[name]Paxton[/name] is a well known English surname where I live in Australia.

I do not like [name]Sloane[/name] it reminds me of slug, and slugs are kind of creepy to me.


I [name]LOVE[/name] this name but my husband doesn’t so we can’t use it. I don’t think it’s made up at all and [name]Pax[/name] is great!

My daughters (actually have 2) are: [name]Lilia[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Annelise[/name] ([name]Annie[/name]) [name]Claire[/name]. So total frill and no uni-sex at all to them.

Funny you talk about [name]Bailey[/name] as your boy name love, because growing up I always wanted a [name]Bailey[/name] for a boy. When I heard it on a girl for the first time, I was a bit confused and rattled. It’s totally turned me off of that name for a boy and a girl.

I think [name]Sloane[/name] seems masculine to me, because of Dr. [name]Sloane[/name] on [name]Grey[/name]'s Anatomy.

[name]Sloan[/name] is number 1 on our boys list right now. I am having the same issues as you. It is originally a boys name, but has become popular with the girls. I do believe [name]Sloan[/name] to be the masculine and [name]Sloane[/name] to be the more feminine. Maybe a poll to see how people view it? (I know the most common tease for little girls names sloane is Slow-ane)