I’m serious, what do you think of [name]Pepper[/name]? I love it from the little orphan girl in the movie [name]Annie[/name], and from a little girl in a vintage [name]Little[/name] [name]Golden[/name] Book that belonged to my mom when she was little, back in the 1960s. I like the combination [name]Pepper[/name] [name]July[/name]. My husband actually likes it too, and surprisingly, my sisters didn’t laugh at it (though my [name]German[/name] friend did, and she asked if Salt is also a name over here). Be honest: love it or hate it?
I kinda love it…but I don’t know if it’s a GP or what. I feel like it should be nn, but at the same time… I have a thing for the name [name]Pixie[/name]…which I don’t think is a far cry from [name]Pepper[/name]. Sometimes I think, fn [name]Philippa[/name], nn [name]Pixie[/name]. This would work for [name]Pepper[/name] too. Ideas for a more formal fn to get [name]Pepper[/name]:
I don’t like it. I can see naming your pet [name]Pepper[/name], but not a kid, sorry. Like having two kitties a black one named pepper and a white one named salt. I also think the kid would be teased because people will say “Hey pepper! where’s salt?”
[name]Love[/name]/hate…maybe a little of both?
Isn’t [name]July[/name] the name of another of the orphans in [name]Annie[/name]? I guess I like [name]Pepper[/name] better than [name]Duffy[/name] or [name]July[/name] and not as much as [name]Tessie[/name] or [name]Molly[/name], haha. [name]Pepper[/name] was the standout personality wise though.
I think I’d like [name]Pepper[/name] much better as a nickname, maybe for [name]Philippa[/name], [name]Priscilla[/name], [name]Patricia[/name], or [name]Penelope[/name]. Then again, if [name]Piper[/name] is becoming a popular name, why not [name]Pepper[/name]? It’s nice and perky sounding. I’d probably pair it with a more traditional mn.
I also think of [name]Pepper[/name] [name]Ann[/name] the cartoon from mid-90s which had a very catchy theme song (that will now be stuck in my head for the rest of the day)
I think it’s a super-cute nickname (e.g., [name]Penelope[/name], nn [name]Pepper[/name]), but I can’t really get behind it as a full first name. That being said, I think we have different name styles, so take my opinion with a grain of salt (no pun intended).
I like it! It’s spunky and cute, much more spunky than the popular [name]Piper[/name]. I love the idea of [name]Penelope[/name] nn [name]Pepper[/name]. I probably wouldn’t use it on my own, though, and I’m much more likely to use [name]Piper[/name], personally.
My first thought was also the girl from [name]Annie[/name]. It’s just a little too spunky for me. More of a pet name.
It’s growing on me, and I really don’t like trendy or seemingly ‘made-up’ names, so it must have something good about it! Much sweeter than [name]Piper[/name], [name]Harper[/name], [name]Sparrow[/name], etc. I even prefer it to [name]Pippa[/name] (too harsh and snobby). Like it as a nickname too. But I haven’t watched [name]Annie[/name] as much as others obviously have…
Another comment: The name is a big risk, as it’s very “Zombie Prom” to me.
I don’t hate it. It’s interesting and different but not nearly as bad as some.
When I was a kid I read a book series with a girl named [name]Honey[/name].
It’s certainly no worse than names like [name]Posey[/name] and [name]Poppy[/name] that are popular now.
My first thought was my friend’s cat named [name]Pepper[/name].
After I got past that, I sort of like it (more than I like [name]Piper[/name], actually). I would like it more as a nn, although Im not a fan of [name]Penelope[/name] either.
[name]Peregrine[/name] [name]July[/name] nn [name]Pepper[/name] is sort of cute…
It’s a guilty pleasure of mine. Like a pp it reminds me of [name]Pepper[/name] [name]Anne[/name] from [name]Saturday[/name] morning cartoons in the 90’s. [name]Pepper[/name] [name]Anne[/name] [name]Pepper[/name] [name]Anne[/name] much too cool for 7th grade… She was a pretty spunky girl, so the association is positive.
Am I the only one who thought of [name]Pepper[/name] Potts from Iron [name]Man[/name]?! That’s where I first heard it. I actually really like it. It’s spunky like [name]Piper[/name] and [name]Fifer[/name] with that “er” ending. I would use it as a nickname for a girl “P” name. I think it’s really cute
I think it would make a cute nickname for a little girl of a certain personality (spunky), but I don’t like it as a formal name.
I really like it. However, it makes me think of the British children’s TV programme Peppa Pig (I know in an American accent [name]Pepper[/name] and Peppa sound rather different, but here they don’t) which is seriously huge over here, to the point that you can buy Peppa Pig lamp shades and its not something I’d like my kid to be associated with.
Otherwise, I think it’s adorable. I was actually watching an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras the other day (don’t judge me, please!) and there was a little girl from [name]Texas[/name] on there.
I don’t see why it couldn’t be used alone, but then again I really hate the idea of having an ‘official’ name which is never even spoken of.
I can’t get past the [name]Pepper[/name] [name]Anne[/name] association from the old cartoon, and my aunt had a dog named [name]Pepper[/name] when I was growing up. Not that there aren’t plenty of dogs named things like [name]Lily[/name] and [name]Sophie[/name], which are definitely people names, but that first association is a strong one.
I think you could get away with [name]Pepper[/name] as a nn, but not as a full, first name.
I also thought of [name]Annie[/name]! I actually like it if it were a nn. as a pp said, [name]Penelope[/name] could work. Hmm, what else? I guess [name]Phillipa[/name]? I guess it doesnt necessarily have to even relate to her name if you just wanted to call her that. If you give it to her as a name, maybe you should add a second mn that’s more traditional so she could use it instead if she wanted. Like [name]Pepper[/name] [name]July[/name] [name]Kate[/name], or something.
I love it. [name]Pepper[/name] [name]July[/name] is a great combo.
I love it. [name]Pepper[/name] [name]July[/name] is a great combo.
I would use it myself.
I think it’s fab especially paired with [name]July[/name]