
I know it’s a little bit “spicy”, but what do you think of [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] for a girl? Wearable or not?

It’s okay. Girls are given names like [name_f]Opal[/name_f], [name_f]Pearl[/name_f], [name_f]Azalea[/name_f], [name_f]Lily[/name_f], [name_f]Cadence[/name_f], [name_f]Aria[/name_f], etc. so I’d say it’s okay to use. I think I’d give her a “tame” middle name. The name Pipra means “peppery” if you think [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] is too hot to handle, pun intended. :smiley:

I [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] the name!! Yes yes and yes!

It’s ok. I personally don’t love it as I associate it with both pepper (as in salt and pepper) and Peppa Pig. I do know two little girls names [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] though. One is spelt Peppa, with a brother [name_m]Harry[/name_m]. And the other is [name_u]Pepper[/name_u], with siblings [name_u]Madison[/name_u] “[name_f]Maddi[/name_f]” and [name_m]Thomas[/name_m].

[name_u]Pepper[/name_u] is so cool! It reminds me of the little girl in the movie [name_f]Annie[/name_f].

Personally I don’t like it - as either [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] or Peppa. The first sounds like a dog name and the other is too associated with the cartoon pig.

It reminds me of [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] Potts off of Iron man, loved the movie, loved [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] Potts.

It’s too much for me. I wouldn’t want to be a teenager named [name_u]Pepper[/name_u]. Much prefer [name_u]Piper[/name_u].

I say [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] different from Peppa so I don’t make that association. With Peppa, even though I have never seen Peppa Pig before in my life, I’d still associate it with the show, as well as my old roommate’s dog who is named Peppa.

[name_u]Pepper[/name_u] is super cute!!! Totally wearable. It would also work as a nickname to [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] or [name_f]Phillipa[/name_f].

Here are so middle name ideas for [name_u]Pepper[/name_u]-

[name_u]Pepper[/name_u] [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f]
[name_u]Pepper[/name_u] [name_f]Catherine[/name_f]
[name_u]Pepper[/name_u] [name_f]Susannah[/name_f]
[name_u]Pepper[/name_u] [name_f]Caroline[/name_f]

I honestly love it! I have a friend who’s due next month who’s picked [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] for her girl. She has a littke bit named [name_m]Fox[/name_m] as well and I am just living for the sibset.

I think it’s cute! My first visualization is of a brunette little girl with pig tails and freckles so the question I pose is this: Does [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] transition well from a “[name_m]Little[/name_m] Kid” name to an adult name? I’m considering [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] and am asking myself the same question.

Hmm. I think it works.

I picture a laughing, red cheeked, short haired woman who’s a little tomboyish and a lot outdoorsy. She works as a civil engineer or park ranger.

Though I don’t think I’d pick it myself, I may actually like this name, since I favor names that aren’t frilly.

I’ve known a [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] and it fit her well. I think it works and it’s cute, but I’m not a huge fan of it. :slight_smile: It does remind me of [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] Potts, which is a positive thing!

I am mother to a [name_u]Pepper[/name_u], and I have never heard anything negative regarding her name. Her classmates never tease her about it, either. My daughter loves her name, she likes the word play that comes with it.

I’ve met another young girl named [name_u]Pepper[/name_u], and I live in a very small town. So not as rare as I imagined.

There’s also the well known sociologist Dr. [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] Schwartz.

@cocoapuff [name_u]Love[/name_u] it! And I’m glad your little [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] does too.

@brittanyanitarose [name_m]Fox[/name_m] and [name_u]Pepper[/name_u]!!

Thanks for all the responses. Oddly enough, I’d completely overlooked the Peppa Pig connection (even though it’s HUGE with my daughter and her friends), so thanks for pointing that out. The two are pronounced identically in my accent. I can’t decide if a little girl would love the namesake, or if it’s just inviting teasing… but I’m probably leaning towards the latter :frowning:

I’ve always had a soft spot for [name_u]Pepper[/name_u], but it does seem like a bit of a GP name. There is also the inevitable connection with Peppa Pig…! I think [name_u]Pepper[/name_u] would probably work best as a nickname, because it’s a lot of name to live up to on its own, but I agrre that it is lovely!