I’m crushing on the name [name]Perrin[/name] with the nn [name]Perry[/name], but I also like it without using a nickname.
I was just curious of what you Berries think of [name]Perrin[/name].
I’m crushing on the name [name]Perrin[/name] with the nn [name]Perry[/name], but I also like it without using a nickname.
I was just curious of what you Berries think of [name]Perrin[/name].
I’ve only heard it in the context of [name]Robert[/name] [name]Jordan[/name]'s Wheel of Time series, but it’s a good character and probably not that well-known. I like it better than [name]Perry[/name]. I don’t [name]LOVE[/name] it, but I think it’s a perfectly good name.
I know a [name]Perrin[/name].
I have met a [name]Perrin[/name]. I actually like the name a lot.
I quite like [name]Perrin[/name] actually (but not as much as I love [name]Peregrine[/name] with maybe the nn [name]Perrin[/name]). If I were to use [name]Perrin[/name], I wouldn’t use a nickname.
It’s okay. I know a little girl named [name]Perrin[/name] [name]Elyse[/name], so it seems quite girly to me (especially with such sound-alikes as [name]Karen[/name] and [name]Maren[/name] and [name]Erin[/name] and such). I agree with @dantea–I like [name]Perrin[/name] much more without a nn, though. [name]Perry[/name] makes me think of [name]Perry[/name] the Platypus. haha.
I like [name]Perrin[/name] but hate [name]Perry[/name].
I love [name]Peregrine[/name], but would probably have to save it for a middle name because [name]Perry[/name] gives me hives. I don’t hate [name]Pip[/name] as a NN for a very little boy but I don’t think it ages well.
I like it! The sound is really appealing, and it’s different without being out there. It has a slight fantasy novel vibe for some reason, but I don’t think that association is too strong. I think that [name]Perry[/name] would be very easy to wear.
I like it a lot, and if you like nn [name]Perry[/name] all the better because you won’t have to fight over people trying to shorten to that. I considered [name]Perrin[/name] for my baby this year, because of its history as a variation of [name]Peter[/name] and a short form of [name]Peregrine[/name], and it’s similar to hubby’s name [name]Aaron[/name].
In the end we decided on [name]Peregrine[/name] and had every intent of using [name]Perrin[/name] as his nn; we even announced it to the grandparents a few weeks early. But when we met the cheery little guy it just didn’t fit, so we landed on [name]Pippin[/name] for his nn instead (which has, yes, been connected to [name]Peregrine[/name] as a nn since Medieval times, thanks to Tolkien for popularizing it though). We may come back to [name]Perrin[/name] when he is older, but who knows.
If you’re interested in some other info on [name]Perrin[/name], here’s a link: Perrin - Meaning of Perrin, What does Perrin mean?
According to Social Security records, in 2011 there were 6 girls and 44 boys named [name]Perrin[/name].