Nameberry, would you mind if we had a section for ideas for pet names? I’m thinking that there could be a whole section on [name]Pet[/name] Names on the Message Boards. We could help each other think of names for our pets and even sibling pets. After all pets are our babies, too!
I’m up for it!
There’s a thread going on in the “Tell Us What You Named Your [name]Baby[/name]!” section about pet names. I think we should give it a try and make a whole section for it. I agree with [name]Susan[/name], our pets are our babies too! And also it’d be nice for people who work with animals and have to name them regularly, like me. I work at a place where we sell dalmatians and I have to come up with up to 12 names sometimes for a new litter! So I think it would be really helpful.
btw I need help with a name for a black and white female dal to go with another female black and white puppy named [name]Millie[/name]. Any suggestions welcomed!
[name]Millie[/name] and [name]Jillie[/name]! That’s silly, but it’s the first thing I thought of!
A pet names section would be a lot of fun!
Yep, I’d be up for a pets section!
Checkers, how about [name]Millie[/name] and [name]Daisy[/name]? [name]Mille[/name] and [name]Molly[/name]? Something sweet. But I definitely second the suggestion of [name]Millie[/name] and [name]Jillie[/name] - sooo cute!
For the purposes of introducing myself: I don’t really have any pets as such, but I have befriended some ducks… I’ve called them [name]Ophelia[/name] and Chairman Mao. [name]Ophelia[/name] for no particular reason, and Chairman Mao because he’s the sweetest, most benevolent little bird ever and I enjoyed the contrast
When I get a kitten, if she has the right temperament, I’m so calling her [name]Wilhelmina[/name].
I’d also love a pet section! I have a 4 month old puppy and I definitley refer to her as my “daughter”. My mom carries a picture of me holding her so she can show off her “granddaughter”…she really is part of our family. She’s the reason I found this site, too! And now I’m hooked Thank you, [name]Kyra[/name] I’m glad her name is pretty well received here, too
I have this great book on pet names. One time years ago, I was looking in it and found the name “Shorty [name]Bob[/name]”. I told my husband about it. We both love that name so much
we picked [name]Millie[/name] and [name]Lulu[/name]. but i think we def need a pet section asap!
I’m all about pet names. No children for me, just furkids! A pet name section would be great.
I thought of some nice names for my next pet if it’s a girl:
[name]Imogen[/name] nn Immie
[name]Francine[/name] nn [name]Francie[/name]
[name]Beatrix[/name] nn [name]Trixie[/name]
[name]Tallulah[/name] nn [name]Lulah[/name] or Loolie
[name]Ginger[/name] - I am wild about the name [name]Ginger[/name]!
[name]Delores[/name] nn [name]Lola[/name]
I don’t know which one is my favorite.
If it’s a boy:
Well, I couldn’t name him [name]Dewey[/name] because that’s my cat Mokie’s nn. One of his other nn’s is Yaya.
[name]Crispin[/name] after a book about a dog called “The Dog Who Belonged to Himself”. NN could be Crispy.
Crispy or Pompie is my favorite!
[name]Feel[/name] free to steal any of these. I would be so honored!
For girls:
For boys:
We have a pet names section. It’s a whole board for pet names. O_o
This thread was posted in 2008. I assume that it is why the [name_f]Pet[/name_f] Names section exists?
facepalm I should look before I say something next time. It was up at the top so I just went with it >.<
haha yeah I’ve done that… I do my best to check dates now. This is reason #1 I think threads should be automatically closed after two-three months of no replies/activity.
This is a really good idea!
Sorry, I don’t have anything to say related to the original thread.