Phoebe Rose OR Poppy Joy/Louise?

Last name is Lim and big sister is Juniper Grace.

Pros to Phoebe: Like the meaning; NN “Bee” is cute; goes along with big sis’s NN of June “Bug”; my husband and I don’t know anyone with the name.
Cons to Phoebe: Is everyone automatically going to associate it with Phoebe from “Friends”? Possible spelling problems.

Pros to Poppy: Botanical like Juniper; cute NN options (“Pop Tart” “Poppyseed”)
Cons to Poppy: We have a (not super close) friend with a dog named Poppy; here in the U.S. it’s not a common name—could be considered “weird,” esp. to older people like our parents; my dad goes by “Papa”—too similar to Poppy?

Would love your thoughts. Thanks!

  • Phoebe Rose Lim
  • Poppy Joy Lim
  • Poppy Louise Lim

0 voters

i think Phoebe is perfect for you guys! Bee and Bug are such adorable nicknames for sisters. and i don’t see how there could be spelling problems, since Phoebe is a well-known name from my understanding?

i don’t like Poppy personally, and i do think it’s too similar to Papa.

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I don’t think everyone will associate Phoebe with Friends!! I certainly don’t — I associate it with literature! I think it’s heard of enough for most everyone to be able to spell it and not all think of Friends. Such a great name!!

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[name_f]Poppy[/name_f] [name_u]Louise[/name_u] is so bubbly and gorgeous!! I love it!!

phoebe rose is my favorite out of these options, but i would also love phoebe louise!