Pick a new name for yourself using this criteria (game)

Yeah, yeah, I have an obsession. Now play the game!! (sorry, it turned out a lot more immersive than I planned for it to be lmao)

You are now a newsie in NYC, 1899, and you need a name! Your old one won’t due, since everyone else here goes by a nickname. (You’ve been hearing people shout names like Race and Sniper and Skittery) You’ve picked up that everyone’s nickname comes from some part of their personality, something they’re good at, or something they like. For example, there’s a boy named Kid Blink who has an eyepatch, and another named Romeo who’s constantly flirting with everything that moves. If you don’t pick your name soon, everyone will pick your name for you, and you don’t want that to happen. Last time it did, someone was named Snoddy…

So, what is your newsie name?

My friends and I are obsessed with the Broadway show and 1992 movie Newsies, and we all have newsie names, so I wanted to see what y’all could come up with for yourselves! Just to give you the vibe, mine is Berry (not because of this site lol), and I have friends named Stage, Charades, Bean, Skids, Prickly, Darling, Sunny, Flames, and Bucket. Some names I was almost named were String(s) and Songbird.


Love Newsies! Hmmm going based off looks maybe Curly/Curls cause I have curly hair? For more personal things maybe Rico, Enza, Pyro, Nocte or Sly :waxing_crescent_moon:

hmm… mine would probably something along the lines of birk, bear, kitty, or haze! :new_moon_with_face:

Maybe Bubbles because according to my friends, I am exactly like the powerpuff girl :woman_shrugging:t3:

I think more realistically (because obviously they didn’t have the powerpuff girls in 1899!), I’d be called [name_f]Pixie[/name_f] because I am the exact wikipedia definition :joy: and could actually see myself as one if I wasn’t a human!


Flitt- like flittery, always kind of moving, also like a butterfly :butterfly: :joy:


I think mine would be either Ditsy for my scatterbrained klutz or [name_u]Gabby[/name_u] for my sometimes extensive talkativeness!

I’d probably called Leftie bc I’m a left handed person, or [name_f]Gidget[/name_f] or Shortcake bc of my height


I’m thinking one of these for myself:

[name_m]Rusty[/name_m] (red hair)
Dandy (I care a lot about fashion and neatness, would certainly qualify as a dandy during that time period)
Squeaker (19th century [name_u]New[/name_u] [name_u]York[/name_u] slang for “child” and I’ve always passed for MUCH younger than I am)


hey doll, nice to meet ya. you can call me bumble :sparkles::honeybee::yum:

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This is fun to think about! :joy:

I’m 5’4 so maybe Half Pint, or [name_f]Midge[/name_f] (like the fly) which I like more because it shares the initial of my actual name (: Not gonna lie it’s a fun nickname I could see myself using IRL


Eye [name_m]Roll[/name_m] :roll_eyes: :joy:

hmm maybe something like Buttons? I love to sew and it’s something people associate with me

or maybe [name_u]Dusty[/name_u]?

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Probably “Booker” because I’m always reading! Nowadays on my phone but back then I would have been walking with a nose in my book like in middle school haha.

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[name_f]My[/name_f] sister already calls me [name_f]Tiny[/name_f] T (I’m shorter than you just barely 5’ 2") so that could work as well!

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Lmao, there’s a character named Buttons in the actual Bway show XD

You know, I should probably explain why my name is Berry lol. Originally, it was because I have strawberry-brown hair, and I still do, but I also love berries so so much, and I actually know more about them than the common joe. Any time someone mentions berries, I’m immediately drawn to what they’re saying, so it’s kinda confusing to be on this site with the name Berry lol. It’s shortened to B or BB, or even Bear a lot, and it got SUPER confusing in my old orchestra, because there was a Beatrice there who went by Bea, and every time her name was called, I jumped and sometimes looked up lol

This is fun! Let’s see…

Based on physical features: Freckles, [name_u]Red[/name_u] or [name_f]Ginger[/name_f]

Based on hobbies, I’d love “Kicks” in honor of my new found love for kickboxing.

But I’d probably, most likely be “Fidget” bc I’m ALWAYS fidgeting with something. [name_f]My[/name_f] hands are always busy! I already wear rubber bands around my wrist at all times to play with, as a newsie I’d probably have loads of them! Maybe they’d even call me “Bands” lol

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I wanna say Mini / Minnie because I’m very short and tiny, or Blondie because my hair is naturally white blonde…

Though, honestly, as much as I don’t like it, I’d probably be called Frenchie – because I’m French, and that’s pretty unavoidable lol :joy: Maybe I’d catch some luck and just get called Pari (it fits the time, ‘Gay Paree’ was a term that originated as the Belle Époque reached its zenith at the turn of the nineteenth into the twentieth century, kind of like an attempt of pronouncing Paris like French speakers actually pronounce it but still very American sounding) :woman_shrugging:

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Aw you beat me to it… I was gonna say Book.

“thumbs up” it’s a big habit, no matter what you’re saying, because I’m antisocial, if I can’t hear you or don’t know what to respond, can’t be bothered or simply agree with you, I’ll always throw up a :+1:

I’ll throw in some easy ones “canoe”(only canoeist in my friend group) “rug” (I can’t even tell you how many other people I know called ‘matt’ that get stuck with ‘rug’ nn😂)