Pick your fav


So I wanted to take a little pole to see which name people liked more for a sister name to [name_f]Clover[/name_f]

[name_f]Cosette[/name_f] or [name_f]Lola[/name_f]

I love [name_f]Lola[/name_f] and it’s always been a top name for girls for me but I have recently started to love [name_f]Cosette[/name_f]. Partly because I like the pattern of 2 C names in a row for girls but also, despite never seeing “[name_u]Les[/name_u] Misérables”, I love the song From the play called castle on a cloud that has the name [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] in it and it just brings a sweeter meaning to the name.

Anyways let me know what your fav is cause I cannot decide!!

Thank you :two_hearts:

Lola and [name_f]Clover[/name_f] are an adorable sibset! [name_f]Lola[/name_f] seems closer stylistically to [name_f]Clover[/name_f] than [name_f]Cosette[/name_f], so that’s my vote. [name_f]Lola[/name_f] [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] is a really sweet combo possibility!


Clover & [name_f]Lola[/name_f] just sound like sisters. both are pretty, sweet, fun, quirky, and spunky. I love them together!
Maybe [name_f]Lola[/name_f] [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] could work, if you don’t have a nickname picked out already?


[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there.

[name_f]Clover[/name_f] & [name_f]Lola[/name_f] would be amazing! They’re so cute, feminine & spunky. I like [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] a lot, but it seems to be a slightly different style. And I like the idea of different letters for sisters. The suggestion of [name_f]Lola[/name_f] [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] is perfect.

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps. :slight_smile:

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I used to work with dolphins and the youngest and also brightest yet naughtiest of them all was named [name_f]Cosette[/name_f]. It gives me such a nice and fresh vibe plus it reminds me of her, probably one of the smartest animals I’ve ever met. Pretty irrelevant story haha but I love the name :joy:

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I agree with previous posters, [name_f]Lola[/name_f] [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] is perfect! I like [name_f]Lola[/name_f] as a sister to [name_f]Clover[/name_f]!

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[name_f]Lola[/name_f] feels closer stylistically to [name_f]Clover[/name_f], so it get my vote!

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I agree that [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] is a different style than [name_f]Clover[/name_f]. I would lean toward [name_f]Lola[/name_f] or [name_f]Lola[/name_f] [name_f]Cosette[/name_f], even.

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It’s so tough! I guess I’m going to go with [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] just because I see it so rarely and it’s such a gorgeous name.

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I love [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] for a little sister for [name_f]Clover[/name_f]!

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[name_f]Lola[/name_f] and [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] both seem like slightly different styles than [name_f]Clover[/name_f]. (Nothing wrong with that btw). I like [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] better with [name_f]Clover[/name_f] because I think [name_f]Clover[/name_f] could theoretically have [name_f]Lola[/name_f] as a nickname.

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I do agree with other posters that [name_f]Clover[/name_f] and [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] are quite different stylistically, but I love [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] sooo much, that I have to vote for it. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though [name_f]Clover[/name_f] and [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] have vastly different “vibes,” there’s an almost quirky charm about having that as a sibset, and I have to agree with you that two C’s would be absolutely adorable! I vote [name_f]Cosette[/name_f]!!!

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[name_f]Clover[/name_f] and [name_f]Lola[/name_f] sound too similar to me! [name_f]Clover[/name_f] and [name_f]Cosette[/name_f] are sweet together :slight_smile: