do you like the name [name_m]Pierre[/name_m]?
Thank You.
do you like the name [name_m]Pierre[/name_m]?
Thank You.
I like [name_m]Pierre[/name_m], but I prefer [name_m]Piers[/name_m] or [name_m]Pierce[/name_m].
I love [name_m]Pierre[/name_m]!
[name_m]Pierre[/name_m] is lovely.
I do like [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] but I think it depends on your last name whether or not it works. [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] is very [name_m]French[/name_m] and if your last name happens to read very strongly as another nationality such as [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] O’[name_f]Malley[/name_f] or [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] Oleschuk, it would sound off to my ear. I do like the suggestion of [name_m]Piers[/name_m] or [name_m]Pierce[/name_m] too.
I like [name_m]Pierre[/name_m], though I agree it’s very strongly [name_m]French[/name_m]. It could make a handsome middle name too with many names.
To be perfectly honest, I’ve never liked it. It just sounds unattractive to me.
i like [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] a lot. I wish more french-inspired names would make a comeback
I think [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] is a fantastic name - quieter and more sophisticated than the (also lovely) [name_m]Peter[/name_m].
I love [name_m]Pierre[/name_m]!!