Pippa predictions

cannot get philippa nn pippa out of my mind! I mentioned it to my close friends (who all think my names are so out there) and was surprised they all love it thanks to the royal wedding!
One said that “[name]Pippa[/name] is everywhere!” Really? I was completely caught off guard how well accepted it is here in the states. So how popular could it become? I cant imagine it getting in the top 20!

Side note: need some mn help too. Considering :
[name]Philippa[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name]
[name]Philippa[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Eve[/name] or [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Eve[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] (both of my grandmothers [name]Amelia[/name] and [name]Evelyn[/name] were obsessed with horses so it only seems appropriate. [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name] sounds beautiful to me but [name]Evelyn[/name] might be too long with [name]Amelia[/name] too?)
Really like nn [name]Pippa[/name] [name]Jewel[/name] or [name]Pippa[/name] [name]Jade[/name] and I also really like [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] too. These are all my ideas but im going nowhere. Help!

[name]Hi[/name] [name]Karen[/name]!

Oh, I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Philippa[/name] (and [name]Pippa[/name]!)!! It is my favourite name at the moment. Currently, neither [name]Philippa[/name] nor [name]Pippa[/name] are in the top 1000, and I don’t think that the name will gain too much popularity in the US. Ha, definately not top 20! Maybe it will crack the top 1000 for next year? I have also seen [name]Pippa[/name] “everywhere” lately. Mostly just on magazine covers stating “All About [name]Pippa[/name]”, but again, I don’t think the royal sister will skyrocket the name into mega-popularity (at least I hope not!).

You have wonderful middle name choices as always! I wish I had such wonderful names in my family. [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name] is lovely, though expected in my opinion. [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Eve[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] is a stunner! I also love [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] and don’t find it too long. [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] is perfect, but since it’s Middleton’s name I would shy away from using it, as beautiful as it may be. Maybe [name]Charlotte[/name] could work in the second mn slot? [name]Pippa[/name] [name]Jade[/name] is great! I have [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Jane[/name] on my own list! [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Jade[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name] would be my pick, nn [name]Pippa[/name] [name]Jade[/name]!

Kiwi :slight_smile:

I don’t think that [name]Philippa[/name] has enough mass appeal (you know, for all the trendy [name]Kaylee[/name] types out there) for it to break the top 100 anytime soon, if ever. I do think that [name]Pippa[/name] Middleton has brought her name into vogue (I’ve been more discussions about the name [name]Pippa[/name] after the royal wedding than before) and will probably inspire others. In any case, I actually think that [name]Pippa[/name] on its own, not the full name [name]Philippa[/name], will fare better as far as gaining popularity. Most people know [name]Pippa[/name] Middleton as [name]Pippa[/name], not [name]Philippa[/name], and spunky, sweetly old-fashioned nicknames are being embraced more than clunky, old-lady names. By no means do I say “clunky” as a bad thing, so please don’t take offense, but it seems that the general public turns away from those type of names” a good thing, because it almost guarantees that your name is safe and far from overuse.

Anyway, I really like [name]Philippa[/name], and [name]Pippa[/name] is a darling nickname to go with [name]Tess[/name] and [name]Kaia[/name]. [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Eve[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] would be my choice of middle names because I love that it honors your grandmothers” how very fitting that they were both horse-lovers. I also think the [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] part (in [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Eve[/name]) is a mouthful, so I think [name]Eve[/name] as the second name evens out the flow nicely. [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] sounds classically elegant and lovely, but [name]Charlotte[/name] happens to be [name]Philippa[/name] Middleton’s middle name. However, [name]Charlotte[/name] would be fine if it was in a different sequence” something along the lines of [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Eve[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] might be fine.

Like you, [name]Pippa[/name] popped into my mind and wouldn’t pop out after the royal wedding. I had heard [name]Philippa[/name] before and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I had also known that [name]Pippa[/name] (full name [name]Philippa[/name]) was [name]Kate[/name]'s sister before the wedding. At this time, I knew I was pregnant with a baby girl and I was going through names. I liked [name]Pippa[/name] much more than [name]Philippa[/name] because it reminded me of its stepsister/cousin [name]Piper[/name], which I liked but couldn’t bring myself to love. I’ve toyed with the name but I just can’t pull the trigger.

I was mildy concerned about all the ridiculous (and frankly) unexpected fanfare the bride’s sister has received in the worldwide media. Literally, the US was salivating over her. I do think that [name]Pippa[/name]'s popularity will cross the pond soon. Not sure about [name]Philippa[/name], but [name]Pippa[/name], I do think so. More popular than it was. Super popular, I doubt it. I still think that [name]Pippa[/name] is distinct and polarizing enough that it will never be top 20. Not even sure it will break the top 100.

Honestly, I think [name]Pippa[/name] as a given name goes better with [name]Tess[/name] and [name]Kaia[/name] than [name]Philippa[/name]. I know some people really don’t like nn as given names, but obviously I’m biased with my [name]Sadie[/name]. I feel like if the nn is different enough from the given name and can stand on its own without sound ridiculous, it can and should be a given name is you never intend to go the given/full name

Thanks everyone! You just enhanced my love for [name]Pippa[/name]! I’m thinking I might use [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name]. That way I can call her all forms of both names: [name]Pippa[/name] [name]Eve[/name], [name]Pippa[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name], [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Eve[/name], [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name].

Lilybug, thanks for bringing up using [name]Pippa[/name] on its own, I agree [name]Pippa[/name] goes better with my girls names than [name]Philippa[/name] does. Im normally Not a fan of longer names with nn, I would rather just use the nn. Like I,dont care for [name]Aurora[/name] but [name]Love[/name] [name]Rory[/name]! But for some reason [name]Philippa[/name] seems to be the exception. Maybe because [name]Philippa[/name] is what got my dh to agree to it. And I think its so beautiful, it would be a shame not to use it! I have the same problem with [name]Evelyn[/name], [name]Evangeline[/name] and [name]Eve[/name]…i love all forms of the name, but cant see myself using [name]Evelyn[/name] or [name]Evangeline[/name] as fn.

I cant see it being mega popular either. I agree [name]Pippa[/name] would be more likely here. But I was wondering if anyone else noticed it has a broad appeal here. Most close family and friends think my names are strange. normally when I ask about a name they like it for me, but don’t really love it themselves…But when I asked about [name]Pippa[/name], it was agreed they All loved it!! Hmm, wasnt expecting that. Made me wonder where [name]Pippa[/name] is actually going in the next 5+ yrs

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]PIPPA[/name]! I loved the name before the royal wedding, but kind of let it go since I couldn’t see it on a grown woman. Well, then [name]Pippa[/name] Middleton stepped into the spotlight and it just renewed my love for the name (I live in the US and had no idea [name]Kate[/name] even had a sister) , and when I read A Great and Terrible Beauty it found its way to my top 2 (behind [name]Violet[/name]).
I think [name]Pippa[/name]/[name]Philippa[/name] might get a little serge of popularity, but I don’t see it making it to the top 200 anytime soon, or ever for that matter.
I love [name]Philippa[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name]! It’s gorgeous and very classy. :smiley:

[name]Philippa[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name] is stunning and I definitely wouldn’t worry about its popularity skyrocketing. [name]Just[/name] because [name]Philippa[/name] Middleton the person is in the news right now doesn’t mean everyone is zooming in on her name. Like others have said it doesn’t have enough mass appeal. [name]Philippa[/name] is majorly classy and elegant, and honestly I find that a lot of people don’t seem to be looking for that in a name (unfortunately!). Luckily the nickname [name]Pippa[/name] brings tons of pep to this gorgeous name. I definitely think you should use it!