Please could I have your comments on these girl's names?

I have three children:

I am undecided about whether or not to ttc number 4 at some stage but I do have a list of possible names! :smiley:
Please could I have your comments on these names and how they fit with my other childrenā€™s names.

[name]Long[/name] list:

[name]Adele[/name]/ [name]Adela[/name]/ [name]Adelaide[/name]- which one do you prefer and why?
[name]Allegra[/name] (in UK so not worried about anti allergy medications)
[name]Aurora[/name] (probably wonā€™t use this as too Disney now but I still like it)
[name]Elena[/name] (or possibly [name]Helena[/name])
[name]Isadora[/name] (possibly a bit too much for me)
[name]Jessamine[/name] (liking this a bit less of late)
[name]Penelope[/name]- I still like this despite popularity.
[name]Viola[/name]- I pn it Vy-o-lah which I believe is the correct way. Sometimes I find it a little harsh and too similar to violent/ vile, etc- not v pleasant words!
[name]Vivienne[/name]- is it too Brangelina?


Thanks crescentmoon :slight_smile:

My top five from your list (the ones that flow best with your children):

[name]Adelaide[/name]- I love [name]Adelaide[/name] for you because I think her name flows best with your children out of [name]Adele[/name]/[name]Adela[/name]/[name]Adelaide[/name]
[name]Aurora[/name] - Iā€™m not bothered by the Disney association, I think itā€™s pretty
[name]Camille[/name] - like this one a lot! Have you considered [name]Camilla[/name]?
[name]Genevieve[/name] - number one choice for you - she sounds excellent with your others!
[name]Penelope[/name] - very elegant and whimsical!

[name]Adele[/name]/ [name]Adela[/name]/ [name]Adelaide[/name]- which one do you prefer and why?- I like all of them, but in order from favorite to least favorite itā€™s [name]Adelaide[/name], [name]Adele[/name], [name]Adela[/name]. Thereā€™s no real reason to that, just a personal preference. All are great.

[name]Allegra[/name] (in UK so not worried about anti allergy medications)- Eh. Itā€™s nice. Not the best on your list for me, though.

[name]Aurora[/name] (probably wonā€™t use this as too Disney now but I still like it)- I like it too, but like [name]Allegra[/name], I think you have better options.

[name]Camille[/name]- I like this, but I think I prefer it as a middle.

[name]Dahlia[/name]- Beautiful! I love it.

[name]Elena[/name] (or possibly [name]Helena[/name])- I prefer [name]Elena[/name] because of the pronunciation problems with [name]Helena[/name]. I think itā€™s a great name.

[name]Genevieve[/name]- Very pretty.

[name]Isadora[/name] (possibly a bit too much for me)- I donā€™t think itā€™s too much at all. Its similarity to [name]Isabella[/name] makes it very wearable to me, and [name]Izzy[/name] is a common nickname if [name]Isadora[/name] ends up being overwhelming. I think itā€™s stunning.

[name]Juliet[/name]- I like it, but itā€™s just a like for me. I prefer the [name]Juliette[/name] spelling, but even then Iā€™m not in love with it.

[name]Jessamine[/name] (liking this a bit less of late)- Stunning!

[name]Natalia[/name]- [name]Love[/name] this! I also really like [name]Tali[/name] as a nickname. It offers plenty of nickname choices, though.

[name]Penelope[/name]- I still like this despite popularity.- For me, this is way more over the top than [name]Isadora[/name]. I think itā€™s silly sounding itā€™s so over the top to me. But lots of nameberries love it, so maybe itā€™s just me.

[name]Paloma[/name]- I love [name]Paloma[/name]! I think itā€™s a great fit with the sibset too. One of my favorites on your list.

[name]Viola[/name]- I pn it Vy-o-lah which I believe is the correct way. Sometimes I find it a little harsh and too similar to violent/ vile, etc- not v pleasant words!- I agree with the Violent/harsh associations. Iā€™m not a huge fan.

[name]Vivienne[/name]- is it too Brangelina?- No, I think the former popularity of [name]Vivian[/name] minimizes the Brangelina association for me. I like this a lot, pronounced vih-vee-EN, not [name]VIV[/name]-ee-in.

My favorites are [name]Paloma[/name], [name]Dahlia[/name], [name]Jessamine[/name], [name]Isadora[/name], [name]Elena[/name], and [name]Natalia[/name].

Thanks so much for commenting, garnet. I love [name]Adelaide[/name] but I thought she was perhaps a little serious with the other names.
I have considered [name]Camilla[/name] but, as I live in the UK, I think it is too associated with [name]Camilla[/name] [name]Parker[/name] Bowles.

PS your children have lovely names!

Thanks a lot for replying daisy :slight_smile:

This will be easy for me, we have very similar taste :smiley:

[name]Adele[/name]/ [name]Adela[/name]/ [name]Adelaide[/name] - Not the biggest fan of any of them, but Iā€™d choose [name]Adelaide[/name]. [name]Adele[/name]/[name]Adela[/name] is going to become very popular, because of the singer ā€œ[name]Adele[/name]ā€ who recently became very successful.
[name]Allegra[/name] - Not a fan being honest.
[name]Aurora[/name] - Gorgeous, I love this! Its on my own list. The nickname [name]Rory[/name] is adorable. Beautiful.
[name]Camille[/name] - Also on my list, although I have [name]Camilla[/name]. Beautiful timeless name :smiley:
[name]Dahlia[/name] - Not sure about this one.
[name]Elena[/name] - My daughters name. Classy, beautiful & elegent. Very feminine. Nicknames [name]Laney[/name] & [name]Layna[/name] are cute!
[name]Genevieve[/name] - On my list as a middle name. Very under used. [name]Lovely[/name].
[name]Isadora[/name] - I had this on my list till my husband crossed it off. Boo! Gorgeous though.
[name]Juliet[/name] - [name]Love[/name] love love this! So pretty :slight_smile:
[name]Jessamine[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like this, sorry.
[name]Natalia[/name] - Another one from my own list, its beautiful!
[name]Penelope[/name]- On my list as a middle name. Very pretty.
[name]Paloma[/name] - Seems masculine to me, very strong. I donā€™t really like it.
[name]Viola[/name]- Gorgeous
[name]Vivienne[/name]- [name]Lovely[/name], very classy.

I adore almost everything on your list. My favorites are :
[name]Aurora[/name], [name]Camille[/name], [name]Elena[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Isadora[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Natalia[/name], [name]Penelope[/name], [name]Viola[/name] & [name]Vivienne[/name]

Any would be a fantastic choice. They are all timeless, classic beauties. :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for your feedback lucykate. You obviously have great taste :smiley:
I was interested in your comment on [name]Paloma[/name]. We came close to using it for C but it kind of felt a bit too strong and not quite right when it came to it. I tend to sway from thinking it is beautiful to thinking the same as you.

[name]Adele[/name]/ [name]Adela[/name]/ [name]Adelaide[/name]- [name]Adelaide[/name]: it seems very sweet and feminine
[name]Allegra[/name]- this is just okay to me
[name]Aurora[/name]- very pretty
[name]Camille[/name]- nms, but its nice
[name]Dahlia[/name]- cute I prefer [name]Delilah[/name]
[name]Elena[/name]- love, not a fan of [name]Helena[/name] though
[name]Genevieve[/name]- so pretty
[name]Isadora[/name]- nms
[name]Juliet[/name]- very nice
[name]Jessamine[/name]- eh
[name]Natalia[/name]- pretty
[name]Penelope[/name]- Very nice
[name]Paloma[/name]- cute
[name]Viola[/name]- its okay
[name]Vivienne[/name]- not at all, very very pretty

Thank you mommy.
Itā€™s good to see that people donā€™t think [name]Vivienne[/name] is all Brangelina!

I love [name]Adelaide[/name], [name]Natalia[/name] and [name]Viola[/name] (pronounced your way)

[name]Adele[/name]/ [name]Adela[/name]/ [name]Adelaide[/name]- I love the first two and like the last. [name]Adele[/name] is my favorite. [name]LOVE[/name] it.
[name]Aurora[/name] --not a big fan
[name]Camille[/name] --lovely
[name]Dahlia[/name]ā€“think of the [name]Black[/name] [name]Dahlia[/name].
[name]Elena[/name] (or possibly [name]Helena[/name])ā€“[name]Helena[/name] is gorgeous. [name]Elena[/name] is ok.
[name]Genevieve[/name]ā€“really like
[name]Isadora[/name] (possibly a bit too much for me)ā€“love
[name]Juliet[/name]ā€“loved this once, but iā€™m over it. [name]Love[/name] as a middle name.
[name]Jessamine[/name] (liking this a bit less of late)ā€“feel the same as you do
[name]Natalia[/name]ā€“bland to me
[name]Penelope[/name]- I still like this despite popularity.ā€“love it
[name]Paloma[/name]ā€“love the meaning, but the name sounds homely
[name]Viola[/name]- I pn it Vy-o-lah which I believe is the correct way. --prefer [name]Violet[/name]
[name]Vivienne[/name]- is it too Brangelina?ā€“donā€™t care, i had it on my list before they used it, so there it will stay.

Thanks for your comments lilac and hania.